Meaning of transaction costs of agrarian enterprises’ economic potential

UNC 338.583:658

Meaning of transaction costs of agrarian enterprises’ economic potential

  1. Dubinina, Doctor of Economic Science
  2. Lugova, assistant, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

The article studies the impact of transaction costs on the formation of the economic potential of agrarian enterprises. The structure of the economic potential of agrarian enterprises was discussed. It was noted that with the change of agrarian enterprise’s position, its potential is also transformed. Its structure also became more complicated. A subjective component of the economic potential of the enterprise was formed, which is revealed in the ability to form contractual relationships in such a way as to minimize transaction costs and ensure the creation of specific assets or efficient allocation of property rights. The economic potential of the company is identified with the possibility of increasing its size by reducing transaction costs. Poor cost management of enterprise, including transaction, may show the low result in the destruction of the economic potential threats.

The problematic actuality of transaction costs’ management, which would ensure the strengthening of the economic potential of the company, was grounded. Management of transaction costs is a system of economic relations as for shaping, planning, accounting and analysis of transaction costs that can receive long-term rational management decisions that affect the formation of the economic potential of agrarian enterprises. Management decisions in this process are realized through a set of measures of targeting the size and structure of transaction costs.

The composition of transaction costs of agrarian enterprises was defined. The features of qualitative and quantitative methods in order to assess agrarian enterprises’ transaction costs were described.

transaction costs, agrarian enterprise, management, components, economic potential.

Dubinina, Lugova.  Meaning of transaction costs of agrarian enterprises’ economic potential


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