Ways to maximize the profits of enterprises

UNC 330.143:658.155

O. S. Bilichenko. Path to maximize the profits of enterprises

Market system of management, which is formed in Ukraine, makes changing forms and methods of management of enterprise an economy requires new approaches to the place and role of the company in the development of social production.
A variety of views of problems of the theory of economic profit can be generalized as a difference between the income and expenses of the enterprise. Achievement of the best result in the conditions of the perfect competition though has the differences, however falls under the main theoretical representations.
There are many concepts of scientists and methods which characterize the category of «profit» as an indicator of a business entity. In determining this figure, the subject estimates the opportunities, sums up the results of the carried-out work and defines result.
The profit is a source of expanded reproduction, creation of funds of consumption, the contents and development of the non-productive sphere, production and social development of the enterprise, material encouragement.
The modern economic theory investigates the income section of microeconomics. The theory of firm behavior distinguishes the concept of economic, accounting and normal profit.
Two methods can help to answer a question about the profit-maximizing firm: total value comparison method and the method of comparison of limit sizes. Except the specified methods the operational method is offered in scientific literature.
The enterprise, under the terms of functioning close to absolutely competitive, can receive both economic profit and economic damage in the short-term period.
The normal profit for absolutely competitive branch is equal to zero in the long-term period. In the long-term period such enterprise won’t get economic profit.
For effective functioning of the enterprises in the conditions of the perfect competition it is worth coming nearer to the best conditions of managing due to possession of rare species of natural resources or location favorable conditions; uses of trademarks, brands, copyright; carrying out continuous monitoring of a market situation with the purpose of reorientation to production of innovative, exclusive goods or granting special (not inherent in the field) services; advertizing of the enterprise, specifics of its goods or services.

profit, profit maximization, perfect competition, economic profit, accounting profit, normal profit, total value comparison method, method of comparison of limit sizes, operational method.

O. Bilichenko. Ways to maximize the profits of enterprises

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А. С. Биличенко. Пути максимизации прибыли предприятия
В статье раскрыто основное содержание категории прибыли в экономическом и философском понимании. Сформулирована экономическая роль прибыли. Рассмотрены особенности образования экономической, бухгалтерской и нормальной прибыли на предприятии. Проанализированы методы максимизации прибыли предприятия. Охарактеризованы основные рыночные структуры. Даны рекомендации по краткосрочному поведению таких рыночных образований с учетом присущих им преимуществ и недостатков. Особое внимание уделено резервам увеличения прибыли.

O. Bilichenko. Ways to maximize the profits of enterprises
The article deals with the basic content of the category of profit in the economic and philosophical understanding. The economic role of profit is formulated. The features of the formation of economic, financial and normal profit in the company are specified. The methods of maximizing the profits of the enterprise are analyzed. The main market structures are described. Recommendations for short-term behavior of market entities within their specific advantages and disadvantages are given. Particular attention is paid to reserves of the profits increasing.