Analysis of the age dynamics of reproductive qualities of different breeds sows

UNC 636.4.082.25

E Barkar
I Halushko

The article analyzes the reproductive qualities of sows of large white and red white-banded breeds according to the first, second and third farrow, studied the effect of breed and age in sows farrow on reproduction quality. The analysis of the results revealed no statistically significant differences between the sows of different breeds according to the first farrow. It was found that according to the second farrow the sows of large white breed are characterized by the higher animal red white-banded breed 1.2 head statistically dominate multiple pregnancy and them. A large number of piglets at weaning (1.3 head) and socket at weaning weight (27.5 kg) sows of large white breed Hungarian selection are also different. An analysis of the data of the third farrow found that only mass nest at weaning sows of large white breed Hungarian selection statistically dominated by animal red white-banded breed 23.7 kg. The performed analyzes of variance revealed a significant effect of breed of the variability of multiple pregnancy, number of piglets at weaning, the mass of the nest and one piglet at weaning and age at farrow on the variability of multiple pregnancy and the number of piglets at weaning. Joint significant effect on two factors studied the variability of reproductive qualities have been identified. It doesn’t established the impact of breed and age at farrow on the safety of pigs before weaning. In the future, the analysis of reproductive qualities of sows of different breeds taking into account the patterns of growth in early postnatal ontogenesis is promising, in our opinion.

sows, reproduction quality, farrow, large white breed, red white-banded breed.

E Barkar, I Halushko. Analysis of the age dynamics of reproductive qualities of different breeds sows

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Е. В. Баркарь, И. А. Галушко. Анализ возрастной динамики воспроизводственных качеств свиноматок разных пород.
В статье проанализированы воспроизводственные качества свиноматок крупной белой и красной белопоясой пород по данным первого, второго и третьего опоросов, исследовано влияние породной принадлежности и возраста в опоросах на воспроизводственные качества свиноматок. Установлено, что свиноматки крупной белой породы венгерской селекции характеризуются лучшими воспроизводственными качествами по сравнению с животными красной белопоясой породы, особенно при анализе данных второго опороса. Проведённый
двухфакторный дисперсионный анализ выявил наличие достоверного влияния породной принадлежности на изменчивость многоплодия, количества поросят при отъёме, массы гнезда и одного поросёнка при отъёме, а возраста в опоросах на изменчивость многоплодия и количества поросят при отъёме.

E Barkar, I Halushko. Analysis of the age dynamics of reproductive qualities of different breeds sows.
The article analyzes the reproductive qualities of sows of large white and red white-banded breeds according to the first, second and third farrow, the effect of breed and age in sows farrow on reproduction quality had been studied. It was found that sows of large white breed of Hungarian breeding have better qualities reproduction compared with animals white-banded red breed, especially in the analysis of the data of the second farrow. The performed analyzes of variance revealed a significant effect of breed of the variability of multiple pregnancy, number of piglets at weaning, the mass of the nest and one piglet at weaning and age at farrow on the variability of multiple pregnancy and the number of piglets at weaning.