Providing of improved reproduction of pig livestock

UNC 631.151.2:636.4

Uliyanchenko O.
Tronchuk A.
Tserenyuk M.

The structure of the implementat ion of pork products in SPRF “Gontarivka”. It was found that the increase in mass realizable pigs will improve the profitability of production and, accordingly, will make it possible to reduce the sale price for hundredweight live weight of pigs for sale to the public, which in turn will improve the profitability of production in households. To date, the share of the implementation of piglets with a live weight of 12 kg in most households the largest share of Well-fed and breeding sales much less. This production structure is not rational. So if you sell pigs at a fixed price, starting at 18 kg, the total cost per head of the population to become unattractive. If involve a gradual decrease in prices depending on the live weight of piglets is appealing to the public the total cost remains within up to 24 kg. In this case, if the interest of the population at a fixed price for the purchase of pigs sent to the smallest mass – with correspondingly lower cost per head that orients the direction of household consumption in pigs at a minimum live weight – 12 kg, the reduction in the price shifts the direction needs to find the optimum ratio the total value of pigs to their body weight. The interest of the population to increase live weight pigs should have a positive impact on profit producer of this product. Use of reducing the selling price with greater body weight of pigs in farms will increase the gross output and profits from the sale with a slight decrease in profitability. A reduction in risk when recruiting piglets with greater body weight, reducing their demands to feed, reducing the fattening period and a significant reduction in the cost of veterinary treatment, vaccinations and veterinary staff involvement will help to increase consumer appeal of piglets with greater body weight.

economic efficiency, profitability, pig, commercial products, diversification

O. Uliyanchenko, A. Tronchuk, M. Tserenyuk. Providing of improved reproduction of pig livestock

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А. В. Ульянченко, А. И. Трончук, М. В. Церенюк. Обеспечение интенсификации воспроизводства поголовья в свиноводстве.
Проанализирована структура реализации продукции свиноводства в ГПОХ «Гонтаровка» ИЖ НААН. Установлено, что повышение реализационной массы поросят позволит повысить рентабельность производства и, соответственно, создаст возможность для снижения реализационной цены за один центнер живой массы поросят для продажи населению, что в свою очередь позволит повысить рентабельность производства в хозяйствах населения.

O. Uliyanchenko, A. Tronchuk, M. Tserenyuk. Providing of improved reproduction of pig livestock.
The structure of the implementation of pork products in SPRF “Gontarivka” is analyzed. It was found that the increase in mass of realizable pigs will improve the profitability of production and, accordingly, will make it possible to reduce the sale price for hundredweight live weight of pigs for sale to the public, which in turn will improve the profitability of production in households.