Sparrow Comments on the quality of hybrid boars young

2(84), vol 2 2015
UNC 631.1:636(477.73)

Voytenko S.L.
Gorobez V.A.

The article presents the results of the evaluation of foreign origin pigs age achieve live weight of 100 kg during the feeding and breeding. Given the different levels of feeding and experimental animal origin not shown the same growth rate. Feeding animals at rates that occurred during the growing hybrid young, led to the extension of the age of the animals achieve live weight of 100 kg and changing signs, depending on origin. When feeding guinea pigs age achieve live weight of 100 kg within -200.2 -179.6 days, and during the growing 209.0 – 223.9 days. This pig genotype 1/4 (Large White +Duroc) +2/4 p’yetren age had the lowest achieving a live weight of 100 kg for the two methods of evaluation. The most connectivity for not feeding should be considered interbreed selection sows ½ (large white + Landrace) with Duroc boars of English origin due to age achieve the longest animal live weight of 100 kg. The most slowly when rising growing pigs in the control group that inherited genetic potential of large white breed. Coefficients of correlation between the age of achieving a live weight of 100 kg during the feeding and growing varied from -0.205 to 0.559 with no clear pattern depending on parental foundations of experimental animals. As a result, concluded not to assess boars-sires only on their own performance hybrid young. For greater objectivity better use averages of two evaluation methods descendants, or focus on evaluating hybrid calves for fattening grounds.

swine, age achieve live weight of 100 kg, growing, fattening, correlation between trait, score boars.

S. Voitenko, V. Gorobets. Sparrow Comments on the quality of hybrid boars young.

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С. Л. Войтенко, В. А. Горобец. Оценка хряков по качеству гибридного молодняка.
В статье наведены результаты оценки свиней зарубежного происхождения по возрасту достижения живой массы 100 кг во время откорма и выращивания. Возраст достижения живой массы откормочным поголовьем существенно отличался от полученного во время выращивания, что в конечном результате проявилось у недостоверных и разной направленности коэффициентах корреляции между данным признаком у полусибсов. Сделано заключение о невозможности оценки хряков-производителей только по собственной продуктивности гибридного молодняка.

S. Voitenko, V. Gorobets. Assessment of boars on the quality of hybrid piglets.
The article specifies the results of the evaluation of pigs foreign origin by age accomplishments of live weight of 100 kg during the feeding and breeding. Age of achieving of live weight fattening livestock was significantly different from those obtained during growing, which in the result is manifested in not valid and the different orientation coefficients of correlation between the sign of half-siblings. It is concluded that the impossibility of estimates of breeding boars only on their own productivity of hybrid pullets.