Dynamics of egg production of quail-layers using nanosilver

UDC 598.261.7:636.082.46

V. Groza

Today quail farming has an important place in the sphere of Ukrainian aviculture guails are bred for receiving eggs and meat which are dietary and healthy products demanded among society.
The question of increasing of natural resistance and productivity of agricultural poultry via direct influence with biologically active materials on the metabolic processes in different phases of ontogenesis is getting more topical. At the same time one should pay a considerable attention on the search of preparations for alternative antibiotics in order to increase the safety of the production. Thus the use of preparations based on nanosilver in producing conditions of poultry factories is a prospective direction of researches.
Silver is one of the most universal antibacterial agents which has a main advantage – it doesn’t cause a side action. While most of antibiotics have bactericidal activity concerning just limited number of microbes, silver by its characteristics has much greater effect on the most of microorganisms.
On the basis of the above-mentioned the task of the research is the analysis of the dynamics of the egg productivity of quails using nanosilver preparation “Argenvit”.
Thus to determine the influence of the preparation “Argenvit” on the dynamics of the egg productivity of quails four groups of poultry with 30 heads in each were formed. The quails were kept in hand-madecoop  batteries  on  the  middle  tier.  The microclimate parameters and  nutrient budgets were the same for all of the groups. The poultry was watered the preparation “Argenvit” of a different concentration (0,01%, 0,02%, 0,03%) within 30 days.
To analyze the dynamics of the egg productivity of quails the calculation of the number of the livestock and the dynamics of the egg productivity within 5 months was made. The estimation of the egg productivity was made using the group method.
It was stated that tested quails entered the productivity phase actively. They are characterized by capability of more flowing increase of the egg productivity comparing to the ones from the control group. The highest level of the egg productivity was shown up in the fifth month of the productivity phase. The intensity of the egg productivity in the tested groups was 66,40-70,50%, in the controlled one – 67,37%.
The use of nanosilver preparation with the concentration of 0,02% gives the best results according to the main indexes of the egg productivity, increasing the productivity of a primary quail to 3,47-4,60 eggs, of the average one – to 4,90-8,81, and the general mass of the egg to 2867,99-4971,08 grams.

Key words: quail, egg production, nanosilver.

V. Groza. Dynamics of egg production of quail-layers using nanosilver.


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В. И. Гроза. Динамика яичной продуктивности перепелок-несушек при использовании наносеребра.

Исследована динамика яичной продуктивности перепелок-несушек за 5 месяцев продуктивного периода при использовании препарата “Аргенвит” разной концентрации. Установлено, что использование препарата наносеребра в концентрации 0,02% способствует повышению яйценоскости на начальную несушку на 3,47-4,60 шт. яиц, яйценоскость на среднюю несушку – на 4,90-8,81 шт. яиц, общую яйцемассу – на 2867,99-4971,08 г.

В.І. Гроза. Динаміка яєчної продуктивності перепілок-несучок при використанні наносрібла.

Досліджено динаміку яєчної продуктивності перепілок-несучок за 5 місяців продуктивного періоду при використанні препарату “Аргенвіт” різної концентрації. Встановлено, що застосування препарату наносрібла в концентрації 0,02% дає найкращі результати, підвищуючи несучість на початкову несучку на 3,47-4,60 шт. яєць, несучість на середню несучку – на 4,90-8,81 шт. яєць, загальну яйцемасу – на 2867,99-4971,08 г.