Yield and quality of millet grain depending on the predecessor and fertilizer conditions.

UDC 633.16:631.582:631.8:631.53.02

S.P. Poltoretskyi, N.M. Poltoretskaya
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Despite the prolonged studies currently there are no reasonable and indisputable statements about the influence of crop rotation factor on yield and product quality of cereal crops. In this regard, development of theoretical bases of formation of millet yielding properties is urgent depending on a number of agrotechnical conditions, including selection of precursors and conditions of mineral nutrition.
The research aim was to improve elements of technology of cultivating millet seed by selecting precursors that will provide high yield of high-quality grain in the conditions of unstable moistening southern part of Right Bank Forest-Steppe. Experiments were carried out in educational, scientific and production department of Uman NUH in field crop rotation of Department of Crop Production for 2005-2007.
As a result of studying the impact of predecessor, fertilizing and fertilizers of millet crops on the yield and quality of its grain, the following conclusions can be:

  1. The highest yield was formed in variants of fertilized predecessors, followed by millet which was also sown on fertilized ground (respectively at the level of 44.9-46.5 centner/ha) that is significantly different from similar indicators of other fertilizing variants of the predecessor and directly millet.
  2. By the highest weight of 1000 grain grown after winter wheat (8.21 g) and buckwheat (8.22 g) is characterized, and the best grain unit results are after peas (736 g/l). Using sugar beet predecessor as well as the complete elimination of fertilizers from the cultivation technology significantly reduces the level of these indicators.
  3. The most aligned grain grown after peas (88.8%) and winter wheat (87.3%) is formed; sugar beet use as a predecessor significantly reduces this indicator.
  4. Grain hoodness is independent of the predecessor choice but to increase the output of cereals the cultivation of fertilized millet after fertilized peas, winter wheat and buckwheat helps (3.74; 3.72 and 3.70 t/ha) with a percentage of the output of cereals in grain yield – respectively 81.9%; 83.7 and 82.3%.
  5. Between protein and fat content of millet grain there is a close inverse relationship (r = -0.86 ± 0.00). More protein content accumulates under favorable weather conditions and growing fertilized millet after fertilized peas and buckwheat. In contrast a higher percentage of fat in grain was observed under dry conditions and complete elimination of fertilizers when growing millet and its predecessors.

Keywords: millet, grain, predecessor, fertilizers, yielding, technological qualities of grain.

S. Poltoretskyi, N. Poltoretskaya. Yield and quality of millet grain depending on the predecessor and fertilizer conditions.


С. П. Полторецкий, Н. М. Полторецкая. Урожайность и качество зерна проса в зависимости от предшественника и условий удобрения.

Приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния предшественников, их удобрения, а также удобрения на особенности формирования урожая и технологических качеств зерна проса посевного сорта Золотистое в условиях неустойчивого увлажнения южной части правобережной Лесостепи.

С. П. Полторецький, Н. М. Полторецька. Урожайність і якість зерна проса залежно від попередника та умов удобрення.

Наведено результати досліджень з вивчення впливу попередників, їхнього удобрення, а також удобрення на особливості формування врожаю та технологічних якостей зерна проса посівного сорту Золотисте в умовах нестійкого зволоження південної частини Правобережного Лісостепу.