The world practice of state regulation of rural development

UDC 349.414:332.33

S. Pavliuk

The study subject. The article discusses the key features of the world experience of regulation of rural areas and rural development policies used in the developed world. Analyzed the basic concepts of government support rural development in the European Union and the United States and provides basic common and distinctive features of public policy accordingly. Considered in retrospect public policy to regulate the development of rural areas in the European Union and the United States.
The article purpose. The study aims to determine the substance and courses of state regulation of rural areas in developed countries.
The research methods. In the process of the research the author used methods of economic researches assisting to the achievement of the most thorough and truthful results: system approach and summing up were used in the research of theoretical basis, legislative and other normative and lawful acts were used concerning the regulation of rural territories development, the reform of bodies of the self-government system; the monographic method was used while comparing of different scientists’ approach to clearing up the questions of regulation of the rural territories development.
The research results. Determined that the national policy of socio-economic development of rural areas should be based on the achievements of national science and certainly take into account the experience of foreign countries in the extent to which they can adapt to the realities of Ukraine.
The sphere of results application. The conclusion and propositions exposed in the article have practical meaning and can be used for the working out and argumentation of the rural territories development strategy.

Keywords: rural development policy, rural areas, international experience, government programs.

The world practice of state regulation of rural development.

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