The rationale options of tecnology module for many factors action corn collection

UDC 631.355.072/1

A. Haleeva, V. Hruban 

Formulation of the problem. Qualitative implementation of the corn harvesting process is absolute compliance with the harvest and agro technical requirements. The quality of the harvest must reflect the highest, corresponding to the present stage of development of corn technology, practically achievable level [6]. Only if all operations on high corn harvesting machine can be called modern and efficient.
The purpose of the article is development technological construction module machine for separating the cobs that meets existing agro-technical requirements, standardization and certification.
Conclusions. Experimental study of the proposed technological module showed high efficiency of the proposed technical solutions. In terms of quality execution of technological operations, this design is at a high technical level, because it satisfies the operational costs by improving the quality of indicators.
Confirmation reduced parameters of proposed construction technological module must be tested.

Keywords: corn-harvester equipment, corn picker, multivariate effect, experimental studies, field testing.

The rationale options of tecnology module for many factors action corn collection

Issue 3(91), 2016