The influence of seed rates on the formation of density of sweet sorghum varieties in the conditions of the South steppe of Ukraine

UDC 631.53.048:633.17(477.7)

A. Chernova,
O. Kovalenko

The article contains the indicators of standing sweet sorghum varieties plants which depend on different rates of seed sowing in the conditions of the south Steppe of Ukraine. It was established that the density of standing of sweet sorghum varieties plants in the studies was different in all varieties in the variants of seed sowing norms and was the highest in the Silo 700 D.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the effect of seed sowing norms on the formation of the density in sugar sorghum varieties in the conditions of the South Steppe of Ukraine. Also aim is to establish the dependence of density in sweet sorghum varieties from the influence of these factors.
The highest plant density of sweet sorghum varieties in the phase of full ripeness (134.9 thousand pcs. / ha) was with the Silo 700 D variety with the seeding rate over 160 thousand pcs. grown up seeds / ha, the lowest was with the Silosne 42 (57 thousand pcs. / ha) with sowing rate over 70 thousand pcs. grown up seeds / ha. At the plot of land with the Favorit variety, in comparison with the standard the Silo 700 D, was formed 0.5 thousand pieces / ha of plants which is less than 70 thousand pcs. grown up seeds / ha, with the norm of sowing 100 and 130 thousand – by 0.5 thousand pieces / ha more, and at 160 – by 1.4 thousand pieces / ha less.
Conclusions. The density of standing sweet sorghum plants in the conducted studies varied according to the varieties and seeding rates and was the highest at the standard variety the Silo 700 D. The seed rates influenced on the formation of the density of sweet sorghum plants and the percentage of their survival, which reviled the indicators of the crop at the end.

Keyword: sweet sorghum, seeding rate, plant density, the Favorit, the Silo 700 D, the Sylosnoe 42.

The influence of seed rates on the formation of density of sweet sorghum varieties in the conditions of the South steppe of Ukraine.

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Issue 3 (95), 2017