Analysis of the sustainable development concept of economy in globalization: indicators of economic globalization

UDC 330.341

O. Dovgal, Ukraine Associate Professor, Ph.D
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

The nature of the influence of economic and social problems on economic growth in the conditions of globalization on the basis of the concept of sustainable development is revealed. As a result of the analysis, the conditions of sustainable development are determined. It has also been established that the problem of sustainable development needs to be solved by systematically addressing economic, environmental and social problems at all levels. The practical significance is to systematize the factors and conditions of sustainable development, on the basis of which the implementation of the principles of sustainable economic development in the conditions of globalization is ensured.
As the research shows, economic growth and poverty reduction are gradually taking place. As a result, middle-income countries are rapidly developing, and the gap with high-income countries is shrinking. But growth must be sustainable in the long run, and the increase must be shared, in order to make long-term improvements for the well-being of all people. The financial crisis in 2007 has spread to high-income countries, and low-income countries have suffered from it in 2008. In a year which became the hardest, the global recession has affected the sustainable development of economies around the world.
Significance of the economy and economic problems in the modern global world: economic relations, material values and commercial considerations serve as the basis for national and corporate interests. This means that economic processes have a direct impact on the environment and security, social development and the implementation of scientific and technological achievements. The decision of global problems depends on the level and directions of economic activity, because they are economic in nature.
As practice shows, the groups of economic problems were the most difficult compared to other global problems of the modern world. This is because the economic contradictions and difficulties are the basis of all existing and emerging global problems.

Keyword: globalization, economic growth, sustainable development, concept of sustainable development.

Analysis of the sustainable development concept of economy in globalization: indicators of economic globalization.

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Issue 3 (95), 2017