Selection-genetic analysis of grain weight per main spike in spring barley

UDC 633.16:631.527:575

V. Hudzenko

The results of estimation of combining ability and parameters of genetic variation by grain weight per main spike in spring barley modern varieties and F1 of full (7 × 7) diallel scheme of crossing are given. Selection-genetic peculiarities revealed allow predicting efficiency of selections aimed at increasing the trait in hybrid material created. Taking into account prevalence of dominant effects of genes and overdominance in genetic control of grain weight per main spike, the selections in later hybrid generations will be more effective.The varieties KWS Aliciana and Virazh have been identified for stable high effects of total combining ability, which should be used in combination breeding as genetic sources for enhancing spike productivity.

Keyword: spring barley, grain weight per main spike, diallel crosses, combining ability, genetic parameters, genetic sources.

Selection-genetic analysis of grain weight per main spike in spring barley.

Issue 3 (95), 2017