Method of increasing productivity and preservation of piglets

UDC 636.4.084.421

A. Lykhach,
V. Lykhach

At present, pig farms are often the death of young pigs due to coli-enterotoxemia. Given this fact, the disease is relevant, since it is very common in pigs. This disease usually affects piglets after weaning more live weight. This occurs when excessive and greedy eating of a large number of feeds, especially heavily peppered ones. Treatment of coli-enterotoxemia is effective only at the onset of the disease. The main condition must be prevention. The most effective and cost-effective method of preventing and treating a disease is feeding the excised pigs within the zoo-hygienic norms of sodium chloride.
However, in pigsty there is no clear idea of the period of use of sodium chloride to prevent colienterotoxemia of piglets after weaning. In this regard, the main goal of our research was to study the period of use of sodium chloride for piglets after weaning to prevent colienterotoxemia. For this purpose, we conducted scientific experiments in the conditions of the agricultural cooperative “Mig-Service-Agro” of the Mykolaiv region and formed 5 experimental groups of extramarital piglets weighing 8 kg on the principle of analogues.
During the studies, we found that the best option for preventing coli-enteric toxicity in piglets was the introduction of sodium chloride 4 days before and 4 days after weaning, since almost the first day pigs consumed sodium chloride and showed great interest in mineral fertilization, and therefore had significantly higher productivity during growing up than their peers.
Thus, the largest live weight, registered in the IV experimental group of pigs, who had free access to sodium chloride 4 days before and 4 days after weaning, was 37.8 kg than the animals of the I, II, III, V experimental groups. This fact contributed to an increase in the average daily gain of the mass of piglets in the group IV – 404.2 g, in contrast to peers I-III groups – 321.8 384.1 grams. Thus, the survival of piglets was highest in pigs of the IV experimental group – 98.8%.
In our opinion, the physiological effect of sodium chloride to prevent coli-enterotoxemia of pigs is the presence of a “sodium-potassium pump”
First, through the smallest pores, sodium is pumped out of cells. As a result, the concentration of sodium in the intracellular fluid decreases in the presence of salt. Other sodium ions penetrate the protective membrane into the cell. There is a constant exchange of fluids between the outer and inner cells. Otherwise, there is accumulation of fluid around the intracellular membrane and provokes edema, and then the nervous, edema forms of the disease.

Keyword: piglets, piglets ‘productivity, piglets’ safety, sodium chloride, weaning.

Method of increasing productivity and preservation of piglets.

Issue 4 (96), 2017