O. Shebanina. Investment progects and country`s food security guarantee

UDC 338.262

O. Shebanina

Abstract. The article determines the indicators of country`s food security and determines the level of food consumption adequacy in Ukraine as a whole and in the Mykolayiv region in particular. A comparison of the national and regional state of the food security with the basic indicator was made; the dynamics of changes in consumption adequacy in the region for the period under the study was analyzed. The weaknesses in the current state of the food security by the individual food groups, consumption of which does not meet rationally established norms, are revealed, and the ways of their elimination are proposed. The forecasts of milk consumption and dairy products consumption for 2020 according to the forecast population of Ukraine and normative volumes of consumption are developed. The forecast of the volume of milk and milk products production for 2020 is used, which compared with the projected volume of normative consumption, allows us to obtain the amount of milk and dairy products lacking in the diet of the population, to confirm the results obtained earlier and to evaluate the models used during the research. The article determines the need of investments in 2020 for the production of milk and dairy products in the necessary amount that satisfies the population`s needs in milk. It is based on the rationally defined norms established by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is determined. Based on the normative documents that regulate the legal and organizational framework for ensuring the safety and the quality of milk and milk products for life and health of the population and the environment, promising directions of investment for realization of projects on production, transportation, processing, storage, sale of milk and dairy products; development of nationwide programs for the development of breeding and breeding business, as well as improvement of packaging and labeling of products that will improve the state of the food security in Ukraine as a whole and in particular regions are offered. It was emphasized the importance of increasing the export of dairy products including casein, skimmed milk and whole milk, which would allow to receive an additional foreign exchange earnings for the implementation of the quality projects.

Keywords: development projects, investments, food safety, consumption adequacy indicator, forecast model, milk production and dairy products, fixed assets, investment needs.


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