T. A. Stryzhak, А. N. Tserenyk, A. A. Getya, A. V. Akimov., A. V. Stryzhak. The genetic potential and degree of realization reproductive quakity sows main female of breeds landrace and welsh.

UDC 636.5.082.012

T. A. Stryzhak
А. N. Tserenyk
A. A. Getya
A. V. Akimov
A. V. Stryzhak

The article examines the level of genetic potential and the degree of its implementation on the reproductive qualities of sows of breeds Landrace and Welsh.  Selection-technological approaches are developed, which ensure the increase of genetic potential and the degree of its realization on the reproductive qualities of sows during linear and relative crossing. It is determined oscillation of the multiplicity of the landmass breeder moths on the degree of realization of the genetic potential in the range from 88.33 to 99.02%, in the Welsh breed, respectively – 97.88 to 99.82%. The matches the predictive and actual values ​​are noted.

Recently, breeding in raising the productive genetic potential and the degree of its implementation has become widespread in pig breeding with pure breeding and industrial cross-breeding and hybridization.

The article examines the level of genetic potential and the degree of its implementation on the reproductive qualities of sows of the main monogynopaedium of breeds Landrace and Welsh.

Genetic productive potential – is the ability of animals to exhibit maximum productivity, which is due to heredity and is determined by optimal conditions of feeding and maintenance.

The degree of implementation of genetic potential is determined by the ratio of the achieved level of productivity and maximum.

The purpose of our researches was to develop selection and technological approaches that ensure the increase of genetic potential and the degree of its implementation for the reproductive qualities of the sows of the Landrace and Welsh breeds with linear-related сrossing.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were selected:

– to carry out the genealogical analysis of the initial populations of pig breeds of Landrace and Welsh in the herds of the subjects of the pedigree work;

– to estimate the level of genetic potential of productivity for the reproductive qualities of the moths of the lines and monogynopaedium in the Landrace and Welsh breeds.

The methods of research  are experimental, zootechnical, statistical.

The studies carried out a genealogical analysis of herds of rocks of Landrace and Wales breeds for the reproductive qualities of sows.

The level of productivity of sows of domestic and foreign breeding according to reproductive qualities is established.  The indicators of genetic potential and degree of its realization are determined.  The oscillation of the multiplicity of the sows on the degree of realization of the genetic potential in the range from 88.33 to 99.22% were established.  High level of genetic potential and degree of its realization on reproductive signs of sows are revealed.  The multiplicity of sows of Landrace breed was in the range from 10.0 to 11.7 piglets per farrow, Welsh breed – from 11.03 to 12.43 piglets per farrow.  The coincidence of prognostic and actual values ​​of reproductive signs of sows is noted.

Conclusion. The results of the genealogical analysis of the populations of the Landrace and Welsh pigs in the herds of the pedigree work indicate the need for an increase in the number of animals of English breeding and new genealogical structures in the Welsh breed and the increase in the proportion of domestic breeding animals in the Landrace breed.  A high level of genetic productivity potential has been established for the reproductive qualities of sows of Landrace, Welsh.  The efficiency of prediction of genetic potential is proved.  A high coincidence of predictive and actual values ​​is established.

Key words: pigs, monogynopaedium, genetic potential, degree of realization, reproduction, production forecast.

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