R. M. Vasylenko. The photosynthetic efficiency of grain sorghum depending on the moisture conditions in the South of Ukraine.

УДК 633.174:631.55 (477.72)

Vasylenko R.M.

The article presents the results of studies on the photosynthetic activity of sorghum plants depending on sowing time, systems of protection against diseases and pests under different conditions of moisture. It is found that for non-irrigation conditions, the highest photosynthetic surface of sorghum plants was formed when sown in the first decade of May with the use of biological agents (trichodermin + haupsyn), and under irrigation – at sowing time in the second decade of May and the use of chemicals agents (Bi-58 new + abacus).

Key words: grain sorghum, photosynthetic activity, irrigation, plant protection.

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