A. Kryvenko. Efficiency of siderial cultures organic mass accumulation in dependence on soil treatment in south steppe of Ukraine.

UDC 631.147:631.874:631.51(477.7)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-11

A. Kryvenko

On results experimental researches efficiency of piling up of organic mass of different is certain after the biological features of sideration cultures in shot term crop rotations depending on till of soil in the droughty terms of South Steppe of Ukraine. In particular, vetch winter-annual, mixture peas with mustard white and peas in the clean sowing. It is found out, that the feature of growing of vetch winter-annual and peas was that they belong to the leguminous cultures able to fix nitrogen from air. Grow peas both in the independent sowing and in mixtures with other cultures. In particular with mustard white, that is one of the most widespread cultures for growing on a green fertilizer. Mustard white carries out transformation of difficult of access phosphoric connections of soil in soluble phosphates and abandons their part untapped.

It is set that at growing of vetch winter-annual on a green fertilizer, the most productivity of organic mass is formed, the greatest maintenance of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and protein is marked. It is found out, that surplus over of nitrogen after a vetch winter-annual can bring to outgrowing of vegetative mass of wheat winter-annual, id est to increase her bushing out. In the conditions of drought through the increase of bushing out a wheat winter-annual can be provided not enough by moisture that results in diminishing to her productivity. Certainly, that in the droughty terms of South Steppe of Ukraine peas in the clean sowing on a green fertilizer to use beside the purpose. For the effective growing of sideration cultures it is needed to inculcate without shelves deep till and system of without shelves of shallow till of soil. The structure of soil got better due to application of the system of without shelves of shallow till, vegetable bits and pieces on the surface of soil protected him from water and wind erosion, the best water-supply came true from the deeper layers of soil, decline of airing of soil prevented disintegration of humus, diminishing of depth to till of soil kept rain-worms, favourable terms were created for the ground microorganisms, as a result of less mineralization of organic substance the level of carbon dioxide went down in soil.

Key words: organic mass, productivity, predecessors, sideration cultures, wheat winter-annual, treatment of soil.


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