T. Pidpala, Ye. Zaitsev. Productive longevity of dairy cattle of Holstein breed of different selection

UDC 623.2.082

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-6

T. Pidpala
Ye. Zaitsev

Extension of the life expectancy of the economic use of cows and their lifelong productivity is an important component of the genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Our research determines the life expectancy and productive longevity and the lifelong productivity in Holstein breed cows of German and Ukrainian breeding. For the duration of life and economic use the imported cows were slightly inferior to the animals of Ukrainian selection. The difference was 43.8 and 30.6 days, respectively. At the same time, they had a small unproductive period and the age of the first calving was 806.7 days, which is 13.1 days less than at the same age in the Holstein breed of Ukrainian breeding.

However, according to indicators of lifetime productivity, the imported cows dominated Ukrainian breeding animals. By life long milk yield, the advantage number was 574 kg of milk, but the difference was unlikely. According to the lifetime of milk fat and milk protein indicators the best cows were imported Нolstein cows.

For such signs as milk yield for one day, milk yield of economic use for one day, the number of used lactation and the coefficient of economic use all these best developed indicators were established in the Holstein cows of German selection. Their advantage, respectively, was 0.9 kg (P> 0.95); 1.5 kg (P> 0.99); 0.1 pc and 0,7% in comparison with cows of the Holstein breed of Ukrainian breeding.

A comparative correlation analysis has established a different level and direction of connections in cows of the Holstein breed of German and Ukrainian breeding. It is logical to have a highly reliable positive high level of life expectancy connection between the life expectancy, the length of economic use and the signs of lifelong productivity. So, this is typically for both imported animals and for Ukrainian breeding cows. This indicates at the possibility in breeding the extension of life expectancy and economic use of dairy cattle of Holstein breed and improving lifelong productivity.

Keywords: Holstein breed , selection, cows, sign, longevity, lifetime productivity, correlation.


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