Usage of immunocastration for improvement of boars’ carcass quality in Ukrainian industrial farms

UDC 636.03

M. Povod – Prof. Dr. in Agriculture, Sumy NAU
O. Kravchenko – Prof. PhD in Agriculture, Poltava State Agrarian Academy
A. Getya – Prof. Dr. in Agriculture, NUBiP Ukraine

At present the consumers all over the world pay considerable attention not only to increasing of productivity of farm animals and improvement of products quality but also to creation of comfortable living conditions for animals, which are similar to their natural needs.
Especially actual this issue appears for EU community. Strategic directions of desired future development of technological processes, regarding housing, rearing and fattening of pigs has been reflected in Council Directive 2008/120/EC of 18 December 2008.
General attention as producers so consumers is directed to the problems, related to boars castration. In fact the substances, which cause the boar odor, are defined and well known. Therefore, the main focus of researchers nowadays, are being applied to development of methods for prevention of appearance of odor in pork or to decreasing of its negative impact on pork quality.
One of such methods, which expected to be effective, is the immunological castration of boars. To explore its effectiveness on carcass quality, obtained from boars fattened, the presented research has been conducted.
To explore the problem two pig groups were formed. One consists of chirurgical castrated boars (at 4 days of life) and second – of immunocastared boars (Improvac). After the animals have reached live weight 100 kg, 3 pigs from each group were slaughtered and the carcasses were assessed and dissected according to common scheme.
As the result of research it has been determined that the carcasses, obtained from immunocastrated boars, had lower backfat level over the whole carcass. After their dissection more meat was gained (by 4,62%) and less fat (by 5,93%), comparing with chirurgical castrated boars.
It was established that the carcasses of immunocastared boars had higher content of most valuable pork pieces by 3,2%.
Obtained results allow to state that application of immunocastration may promote the increasing of carcass quality or boars. At the same time, to form the finale conclusion the additional research with involvement of more animals is needed.

Keyword: boars, immunocastrated boars, chirurgical castrated boars, carcass quality.

The usage of immunocastration for improvement of boars’ carcass quality in Ukrainian industrial farms.

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Issue 3 (95), 2017

Сезонна продуктивність свиноматок французької та датської селекції

УДК 636.42.082.22

М. Г. Повод, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, доцент
О. О. Іжболдіна, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, доцент
А. М. Нестеров, аспірант
Дніпропетровський державний аграрно-економічний університет, Україна
Вивчались продуктивні якості свиноматок французької та данської селекції впродовж року. Встановлено більш високий рівень продуктивних якостей свиноматок данської селекції порівняно з тваринами французької селекції. Визначено вірогідний вплив факторів «генотип» та «сезон року» на багатоплідність, та низький факторіальний вплив на збереженість поросят впродовж підсисного періоду.

Ключові слова
генотип, свиноматка, відтворювальні якості, сезон року, дисперсійний аналіз. (more…)