The ante of different shoots systems in biological crop grain productivity of spring barley depending on seeding rates and foliar additional fertilizing.

UDC 631.559: 633.11: 631.5.

A. Rozhkov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

S. Chernobay, postgraduate student

Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchayev

The shoots share of different systems in biological crop productivity of spring barley seeds variety Monomakh depending upon the seeding rate and foliar fertilizing.
Complex assessment of separate elements of spring barley growing technology based on the analysis of the elements of the formation structure will improve crop production of this culture. In this regard, disclosure of the genetic potential of the crop productivity, the search for optimal seeding rates for them as well as the most effective ways of foliar fertilizing are urgent.
The purpose of the research was to determine complex influence of seeding rates and foliar fertilizing on the biological crop productivity of spring barley grain variety Monomakh and to identify the share of each system of shoots in its formation under the influence of the studied factors.
Field researches were conducted in the experimental field of the Plant Growing Chair of Kharkiv NAU named after V. V. Dokuchayev on the base of vapour grain row crop rotation during 2012-2014 according to the general accepted methods.
All the studied seeding rates provided a significant increase in grain crop productivity of plants main shoots system, while fluctuations of indices of crop productivity of lateral shoots system at the studied seeding rates was not significant.
Under the influence of seeding rate biological crop productivity of the main shoots varied in the range from 231.9 to 260.3 g / m2 (indices change swing – 12.2%), while the system of lateral shoots varied in the range from 47.0 to 49.8% (indices varied in the range of 6.0%).
Dominant role in the formation of the overall biological crop grain productivity belonged to the system of main plants shoots that is naturally explained by biologically conditioned feature of spring barley plants to form low overall and productive tillering. In the conducted experiments, the share of main shoots in the formation of the overall biological crop grain productivity on average at the studied factors in 2012, 2013 and 2014 was 82.7%, 82.8 and 84.7% appropriately.
Under the influence of seeding rates factor it was marked noticeable changes in the role of each shoots system in shaping of the overall biological crop grain productivity that were more pronounced in the more favorable weather conditions in 2012 and 2014. The tendency of increasing the role of the main shoots in the formation of the overall biological crop grain productivity on condition seeding rate increasing is the result of competition increase in crops which resulted in productive tillering and crop grain productivity of lateral shoots compared with shoots that belong to the system of main shoots decreases. The indices increase of the biological crop grain productivity under the influence of foliar fertilizing action was carried out by both shoots systems proportionally.
During the research it was determined the optimal seeding rate of spring barley – 5.0 million / ha which ensures the formation of the most biological crop grain productivity. Its influence is mostly through the main plants shoots. Seeding rates does not have any significant influence in terms of the biological crop productivity of lateral shoots system. There is a tendency to improve the indices by means of seeding rate optimizing. The complex of foliar fertilizing with Crystalon special and Reakom (dose – 1.5 kg / ha) with biopreparation agro EM promoted a significant increase in biological crop grain productivity due to both the system of main plant shoots and the system of lateral plant shoots.
Key words: seeding rate, foliar fertilizing, biopreparation, spring barley, biological crop grain productivity, complex chelated fertilizers.

A. Rozhkov, S. Chernobay. The ante of different shoots systems in biological crop grain productivity of spring barley depending on seeding rates and foliar additional fertilizing.


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А.О. Рожков, С.В. Чернобай. Частка пагонів різних систем у біологічній урожайності зерна ячменю ярого залежно від норм висіву та позакореневих підживлень.
У статті представлено результати досліджень, проведених впродовж 2012-2014 рр. на дослідному полі ХНАУ ім. В. В. Докучаєва стосовно впливу застосування різних варіантів норм висіву та позакореневих підживлень посівів комплексними добривами і біопрепаратами на варіабельність урожайності рослин ячменю ярого сорту Мономах.
У ході досліджень визначено оптимальну норму висіву – 5,0 млн/га, яка забезпечує одержання найвищої біологічної урожайності зерна. Встановлено високу ефективність позакореневих підживлень посівів комплексними добривами на хелатній основі разом із біопрепаратом агро ЕМ.

А. А. Рожков, С. В. Чернобай. Доля пагонов различных систем в биологической урожайности зерна ячменя ярового в зависимости от норм высева и внекорневых подкормок.
В статье представлены результаты исследований, проведенных в течении 2012-2014 гг. на опытном поле ХНАУ им. В. В. Докучаева, относительно влияния норм высева и внекорневых подкормок посевов комплексными удобрениями и биопрепаратами на изменчивость урожайности растений ячменя ярового сорта Мономах.
В результате исследований определена оптимальная норма высева – 5,0 млн/га, которая обеспечивает получение высокой биологической урожайности зерна. Установлена высокая эффективность внекорневых подкормок посевов комплексными удобрениями на хелатной основе одновременно с биопрепаратом агро ЭМ.

Indices formation of spring barley grain quality under the influence of seeding rate and foliar fertilizing.

4(81), 2014
UNC 633.16:631.53.04:631.811

Chernobay Sergiy, postgraduate student
Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchayev

The results of the researches 2012-2014 concerning the study of the influence of seeding rate and crops foliar fertilizing with micronutrients and biological preparations on the indices formation of spring barley grain quality variety Monomakh in the conditions of the Eastern Forest Steppes region of Ukraine are presented in the article.

Grain quality indices varied depending upon the weather conditions during the growing season and growing technology of studied elements. Mass of 1000 seeds, natural grain weight, size, protein and starch content were studied as quality indices.

The mass of 1000 seeds gradually decreased with the increase of seeding rate – from 43.1 g at a rate of 4.0 million / ha to 40.3 g at a rate of 5.5 million / ha. The difference between the marginal seeding rates was 7%. On the variants with foliar fertilizing application this index was on average 2.9% higher as compared with the control.

Seeding rate increase from 4.0 to 5.5 million / ha was accompanied by a decrease in grain size by 6.8%. When applying crops foliar fertilizing size increase ranged from 2.4 to 3.7% depending upon the processing variant.

Spring barley full-scale grain weight when changing the seeding rate from 4.0 to 5.5 million / ha, this index increased by 4.7%. Application of crops foliar fertilizing with complex micronutrients contributed the growth of grain on average at 2.7%.

The tendency to decrease protein content in spring barley grain was observed with the increase of seeding rate. Thus, grain with the lowest protein content – 14.6% was obtained at the seeding rate of 5.5 million / ha. Starch content in the grain, on the contrary, increased, while the difference in the indices between the marginal seeding rates was 4.9%.

The researches showed that crops foliar fertilizing with micronutrients and biological preparations in the phase of leaf-tube formation had a positive effect on spring barley grain quality indices. Thus, on average over the years of researches, the lowest protein content in grain was obtained in the control – 14.9%, while the starch content in this variant was the highest – 57.7%.

Thus, in the conducted researches 2012-2014 it was marked a significant impact of the studied technology elements on the indices formation of spring barley grain quality. A significant factor on the variability of quality indices was seeding rate. Spring barley crops foliar fertilizing in the phase of leaf-tube formation with complex fertilizers Crystalon special and Reakom provided the formation of the highest grain quality indices.

spring barley, seeding rate, foliar fertilizing, protein content, starch content, grain. (more…)