Kaminskyi V., Asanishvili N. Economic efficiency of maize growing technologies of different levels of intensity

UDC 631.15:631.8:632.954


Kaminskyi V.

Asanishvili N.


The article presents the results of research on improving the economic efficiency of technologies for growing corn of different levels of intensity in the Forest-Steppe.
The aim of research: on the basis of economic evaluation to establish the effectiveness of technologies for growing corn for grain depending on the level of intensity and determine the most appropriate of them to realize the potential of crop productivity with maximum use of agroclimatic and production resources. The research was carried out during 2011-2019 on the dark gray wooded soil of the Forest-Steppe with the use of field, quantitative-weight, mathematical-statistical and comparative-calculation methods. According to the indicators of yield, production costs, cost of 1 ton of grain, profit and profitability, the effectiveness of different doses of mineral fertilizers and the use of by-products of the predecessor, weed control measures (mechanical inter-row treatments and herbicides), plant growth stimulants and foliar fertilization with microfertilizers, as well as their combination in the technology of growing corn for grain. It was found that the saturation of the technology of growing corn by means of increasing stress resistance and adaptability of plants in agrocenosis, as well as ensuring the appropriate phytosanitary condition of crops in terms of weeds contributes to an increase of 8.0-28.0% yield and increase profits by 9.0-48,5% for an increase in profitability from 83-162 to 90-166%. It is proved that the cultivation of early-maturing maize hybrids with mineral fertilizers in doses above N180P120K180 is economically unreasonable, although it provides more than 10 t / ha of grain, as it increases production costs, reduces profits and causes a significant drop in profitability.
Taking into account the production strategy, cost-effective resource-saving, intensive and high-intensity technologies have been singled out, which provide stable yield of early-ripening maize hybrid at the level of 6.16-7.08; 7.58-8.77 and 9.87 t/ha in the Forest-Steppe conditions, respectively, with a profit of 19.03-22.07; 19.7-23.96 and 25.13 thousand UAH/ha with a profitability of 128-166; 108-121 and 104%.

Keywords: corn, growing technology, intensification, resource saving, yield, grain cost, profit, profitability.



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