Using efficient technological solutions for feeding pigs in farming conditions

UDC 636.4.084

Yu. Dekhtiar,
Y. Barkar,
I. Galushko

One of the ways to provide the population with pork production is the development of farms occupied with the pig breeding.
Therefore, the aim of our research was to find and implement efficient technological solutions for feeding pigs in farming conditions.
There are several ways to organize a full-fledged feeding of pigs in farming conditions. The first stage is the use of ready-made purchased complete mixed fodders, provided with all necessary nutrients. The advantage of using ready-made mixed fodders is that the farm does not need manufacturing equipment for preliminary preparation of mixed fodders before feeding and for mixing components, it is not necessary to purchase feed additives, to control the quality of mixing components, to spend time searching for components of mixed fodders and to control their quality, and it is also not necessary to carry out difficult calculations to optimize the nutritional value of mixed fodders. The essential disadvantage of using purchased ready-mixed fodders is their high prices, which determine the level of profitability of the pig industry in the range of 17-29%.
The second option is the use in the feeding of pigs of mixed fodders of own production in the manufacturing of which cereal crops – wheat, corn, barley and protein-vitamin-mineral additives – are used. At this stage it is necessary to use equipment for preliminary preparation of mixes fodders and mixture, and to provide quality control of these operations. In addition, it is necessary to control the quality of purchased cereal crops. Using this technology, it is possible to obtain profitability of pork production in the range of 21-35%.
The third technological solution for feeding pigs is its own production of mixed fodders in the manufacturing of which premixes, grain cereals are used, and for balancing the protein oil cakes and sunflower meal are used. A technological feature of this solution is the control of preliminary preparation of mixed fodders, mixture, and the quality checking of oil cakes and sunflower meal for the presence of protein and cellulose. In addition, it is necessary to control the soybean cake and meal for the activity of the urease enzyme.
The use of this technology allows obtaining profitability of pork production in the range of 39-51%.
The obtained results give us an opportunity to assert that the most economically profitable is the technology of feeding pigs with mixed fodders of own production in the manufacturing of which purchased premixes, cereal crops and protein components are used, on condition that the quality of feed stock, as well as the technological processes and operations in the production of mixed fodders are controlled.

Key words: mixed feed, technology, own production, protein-mineral-vitamin supplement, premix, profitability.

Using efficient technological solutions for feeding pigs in farming conditions

Issue 2 (94), 2017

An objective assessment of genotype rams on the quality of offspring

UDC 636. 32/38. 082. 12

V. Kyrychenko,
Y. Barkar,
A. Kyrychenko

A correct assessment and selection of the most valuable rams is of primary importance in the system of breeding sheep with different productivity directions, because breeders provide almost 80% of the genetic improvement of the herd. Currently, the most studied method, which is successfully used in animal production practices, is the use of polymorphic systems for genetic examination of origin. It is proved that the errors in the pedigrees are very common.Errors in the pedigree documentation entails significant losses in production, especially in the breeding work. The breeding entries accuracy determines the effectiveness of selection work, including the purity of lines, the objectivity of the inheritance calculation, variability and correlation of economic-useful signs, the detection of genetic parameters. Without regard to these conditions, it is impossible to evaluate the quality of sheep breeding objectively and to make an effective selection and breeding of animals. For a more accurate assessment of studs breeding qualities an objective assessment of the stud rams genotypes was carried out based on the data obtained by genetic expertise of their descendants’ origin. The difference between our research and previous studies is that the genetic expertise of the young animals’ origin was carried out taking into account the results of animals typing not only based on polymorphic proteins but also according to blood groups. The assessment was conducted by the method of “Daughters of the same age.” For comparison of productive traits were used indicators such as: live weight at birth and weaning, the average number of lambs produced per ewe using verifiable ram (multiple pregnancy).It was found that the immunogenetic control when checking the studs on the quality of the descendants of origin, confirmed by genetic expertise, enables to establish objectively the rank of the stud, to identify the improvers that have a positive effect on the herd gene pool and to exclude from the selection the impairs timely, and also it becomes possible to trace the studs potential to breed true.

An objective assessment of genotype rams on the quality of offspring.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

Analysis of the age dynamics of reproductive qualities of different breeds sows

UNC 636.4.082.25

E Barkar
I Halushko

The article analyzes the reproductive qualities of sows of large white and red white-banded breeds according to the first, second and third farrow, studied the effect of breed and age in sows farrow on reproduction quality. The analysis of the results revealed no statistically significant differences between the sows of different breeds according to the first farrow. It was found that according to the second farrow the sows of large white breed are characterized by the higher animal red white-banded breed 1.2 head statistically dominate multiple pregnancy and them. A large number of piglets at weaning (1.3 head) and socket at weaning weight (27.5 kg) sows of large white breed Hungarian selection are also different. An analysis of the data of the third farrow found that only mass nest at weaning sows of large white breed Hungarian selection statistically dominated by animal red white-banded breed 23.7 kg. The performed analyzes of variance revealed a significant effect of breed of the variability of multiple pregnancy, number of piglets at weaning, the mass of the nest and one piglet at weaning and age at farrow on the variability of multiple pregnancy and the number of piglets at weaning. Joint significant effect on two factors studied the variability of reproductive qualities have been identified. It doesn’t established the impact of breed and age at farrow on the safety of pigs before weaning. In the future, the analysis of reproductive qualities of sows of different breeds taking into account the patterns of growth in early postnatal ontogenesis is promising, in our opinion.

sows, reproduction quality, farrow, large white breed, red white-banded breed.

Зв’язок молекулярно-генетичних маркерів з показниками живої маси ягнят при народженні

3(80), vol. 2, 2014
UNC 636.32/38.082.12

The relationship of molecular genetic markers of multiple bloods of Karakul sheep with indicators of lambs’ live weight of lambs at their birth was studied. It was established that fenovariant V(-) can be used as a genetic marker of increased energy of fetal’s growth of multiple karakul sheep during their embryonic period.


Вплив генотипу баранів-плідників на збереженість та статевий склад нащадків

Номер, том, частина, рік
4(76), 2, 2, 2013


О.В. Іванова, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, доцент
Є.В. Баркарь, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, доцент
Миколаївський національний аграрний університет, Україна

Проведено оцінку вірогідності різниці збереженості нащадків різних статей в потомстві кожного барана-плідника, а також оцінку різниці збереженості одинців і двоїн. Встановлено, що із випадків непропорційної смертності, підвищена смертність спостерігається тільки серед самців. Диспропорційна збереженість частіше за все спостерігалася серед нащадків-самок або нащадків, народжених у приплодах-двійнях. Найбільший розмах рівня збереженості відмічено серед нащадків плідників генотипу 1/2 частки спадковості за австралійським мериносом та таврійського типу асканійської тонкорунної породи.

Ключові слова
вівці, генотип, відтворювальні якості, збереженість, асканійська тонкорунна порода