H. Popovich, N. Sadovska, M. Habrykevich. The sowing periods and shading net influence on the yield of some varieties of radish in the lowland of Transcarpathia

H. Popovich

N. Sadovska

M. Habrykevich

The article presents the results of research on the influence of seed sowing dates on the yield and quality of the root crops of three varieties of radish (Frantsuzkyj snidanok, Chempion, 18 karat). The possibility of prolongation of the period of receipt of fresh produce by the use of shade netting during late crop sowing was studied.

The investigation was conducted in the soil-climatic conditions of Transcarpathia. The seeds were sown in the following terms: 1st sowing – III decade of March, 2nd – I decade of April, 3rd – II decade of April, 4th – III decade of April.

It was determined that the duration of phenological phases and general duration of vegetation period were changed for the different periods of sowing. The inter-phase period of “sowing-young growth” was the shortest in all varieties in the 4th seeding period (5–6 days), and the longest – in the 3rd period (10–12 days). The shortest period of formation of root crops was marked for sowing in the III decade of April (7–8 days). The total duration of the growing season was also the shortest (21 to 24 days) for the 4th seeding period using the shaving net.

The biometric parameters of plants (height and number of leaves) also depended on the sowing periods. In most cases, the highest (10.2–13.0 cm) were plants of all varieties for the 3rd seeding period, while in the 4th period (using shading) the plant height was minimal and was within 9.1–10.1 cm

In all varieties the root crops which were harvested from areas with a 1-year sowing date, were the most remarkable. The mass of root crops for the sowing of seeds in the second decade of April, was the least – 0,8–1,2 g. Part of the plants on these variants flowered. The highest quality crop was obtained from the Frantsuzkyj snidanok (10.7 t/ha, marketability 84.5%) and the Chempion (8.3 t/ha, marketability 71.0%) for the first sowing period. High quality yield has been defined due to the use of a shading net for sowing in the third decade of April, despite the fact that its formation took place during a period of high solar insolation and at higher temperatures.

Key words: radish, root crops, sowing period, shading net, yield, marketability.


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