Babenko D., Dotsenko N., Gorbenko O., Kim N. The influence of application of the preparation Albit on formation of seed productivity of supplemental potatoe material

UDC 631.361.8


Babenko D., Dotsenko N., Gorbenko O., Kim N.


A modified design of a seed separator was tested in various technological configurations based on the technological line of separation seeds of vegetable and melon crops: with a serial separator, with an experimental separator, complete with a MOS-300 machine. The comparative characteristics of such indicators as productivity, seed loss, the content of impurities in seeds, injury to seeds are given. The implementation of the melon seeds separation into technological line is substantiated.

 Key words: vegetable and melon crops, separator, technological line, seeds separation.


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Babenko D., Gorbenko O., Dotsenko N., Kim N. Optimization of structural and kinematic parameters of separator of vegetable and melon crops

UDC 631.361.8


Babenko D.

Gorbenko O.

Dotsenko N.

Kim N.


The most time-consuming operation in the process of obtaining melon seeds is the operation of extracting seeds from seed fruits. In the article it is presented the classification scheme of crushing and separating machines. In the study, attention is paid to the separator of the vibrating type, when comparing it to the the rotary, both cylindrical and conical types that are more labor intensive in maintenance and require complex adjustments in the transition from processing of one cropp to another.
The technological process was experimentally investigated only for separators with constant particle pressure on the surface of the sieve in isolation from the real separated mass (shredded seed floors). No studies of the dependence of seed injury at different magnitudes of the frequency and amplitude of oscillations of the screen were performed and the effect of the specific feed on the seed loss and its purity was not revealed. This has led to the fact that the optimal design of machines for the production of melon seeds, adapted to the technology of seed processing in large specialized farms. The dependencies used in the design of the equipment may not always be used properly because of differences in the percentage of seeds and impurities in the mass to be processed. Also, the technological regimes of the separator affecting the purity of the seeds, their losses and trauma were not optimized.
The analysis of mathematical models was performed for cucumber “Concurent“, as with the same kinematic modes of the experimental setup, the qualitative performance of the technological process on the seeds of the cucumber is worse than on the seeds of watermelon. The main factors affecting the quality of the process of the screen separator are revealed: the angle of inclination of the lattice surface, the frequency of oscillations of the sieve, the amplitude of its oscillations, the angle of application of forced oscillations and the length of the sieve. The optimization criteria were selected: seed purity, magnitude of their injury and the level of seed loss.
The factors that have the greatest influence on the quality of the technological process are determined: the frequency of vibration of the screen, the amplitude of oscillations and the length of the working surface of the sieve. The ranges of variation of independent factors allowed to provide modes of both inertial separation and vibration separation. There are found the ranges of the optimal combination of independent factors. In the case of trauma of seeds of 4-6%, purity of 70-75% and losses lie in the range of 6-7%, it is necessary for the frequency of oscillations to be 9.0-42.0 (1 / s), the amplitude of oscillations can be at the level of 24-32 (mm), and the length of the working part of the sieve is 1.2-1.6 (m). In vibration separation mode (oscillation frequency greater than 30 (1 / s); amplitude greater than 35 mm (at the angle of application of oscillation force 100) seed injury does not exceed 5% and their frequency is within 70 … 71%. Inertial separator mode achieves seed loss of 5-6%, so that the research will improve the quality of separation of melon seeds and cucumber, reduce its injury by developing and optimizing the process of cleaning seeds from pulp and pulverized bark separators.

Keywords: vegetable and melon crops, separator, kinematic and design parameters.



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  3. Shebanin V., Atamanyuk I., Gorbenko O., Kondratenko Y., Dotsenko, N. Mathematical modelling of the technology of processing the seed mass of vegetables and melons. Food Science and Technology. 2019. 13(3). R.118-126
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Analysis of construction solutions of pressure equipment

UDC 631.363:633.8

D. Babenko Ph.D., professor
E. Gorbenko Ph.D., associate professor
N. Dotsenko Ph.D.
N. Kim assistant researcher
Mykolayiv State Agrarian University

Introduction. The article analyzes the existing screw pressing mechanisms and structures of working bodies of lubrication presses.
Research methodology. Variety of constructions of screw pressing mechanisms is explained by different sphere of application of these machines and individual characteristics of separate production.
All screw pressing mechanisms can be divided into the characteristic structures of the working body (screw), body and matrix into three groups.
Solving the problem of loading and moving artificial material, caused the need to create multi-presses. Initially, designs were developed with screw counter-rotation of identical length, constant step and cutting profile. In the course of further development, there were numerous variants, as well as designs with more than two screws and different geometry of working bodies.
The results. Increasing the efficiency of production, the creation of modern technologies and machines of the new generation are among the factors that ensure the stable work of the enterprises of processing industries.
Efficiently working press should provide the necessary performance and deep press with optimum technical and economic indicators.
The method of cold pressing of oil-bearing vegetable raw material allows to receive the main and auxiliary products without preliminary grinding, heat treatment and with less energy consumption. In the processing industry and in the field of forage preparation, machines with a working organ in the form of a single auger became the most widespread.
Conclusions. Along with all the advantages, complex polygonal machines with different types of working bodies, have not found wide application in the processing industries due to the complex manufacturing technology and the great complexity. On the contrary, single-screw machines, in all their drawbacks, do not yield to productivity, quality of production and cost-effectiveness of twin-screw presses.

Key words: Screw, press, pressure, press, vegetable oil, efficiency, profitability, productivity.

Analysis of construction solutions of pressure equipment

Issue 2 (94), 2017

The research of mechanization frecilities to obtain melon seeds

UDC 631.361.8

D. Babenko, Ph.D., professor
E. Gorbenko, Ph.D., associate professor
N. Dotsenko, Ph.D.
N. Kim, assistant researcher
Mykolayiv State Agrarian University

Introduction. The article analyzes the existing domestic and foreign technologies and equipment for the allocation of seeds, melons (watermelon, cantaloupe) that used in agriculture.
Research methodology. Analysis of existing domestic and foreign technologies and equipment for the vegetable and melon seeds selection showed that the cultivation of vegetable and melon crops is one of the most labor intensive agricultural production. The volume of production depends not only on growing conditions and the quality of the seed. The received seeds of vegetable and melon crops does not meet the needs of agriculture today and this leads to the need of using foreign exchange reserves to purchase seed abroad.
Thus, the development of seed vegetables and melons such as watermelon and cantaloupe, provide an opportunity to provide the seed material to the Ukrainian farms.
The results. Using methods developed to identify possible shortcomings of the seeds allocation lines . Line CSS-20 differs from the line of CSS-30 by the extractor type. These lines are designed for receiving fruit selection of these seeds, seed separation from the mucous membranes by bubbling (mixing seeds in the aquatic environment via air); laundering and drying the seeds and waste collection. The seed extractor is one of the main machines, which determines the capacity of the entire line and serves as a shredder fruits and melons and for the selection of seeds crushed mass.
As a result of the South Ukrainian machine-testing station by the productivity of 9.08 … 24.8 t / h seed losses ranging 5.8 … 8.4%; seed purity is 9.1 … 24.8%. Such low rates are caused by single-stage separation. In the separator is no separation of seeds from impurities and separation of the peel from the pulp, the pulp and juice.
Conclusions. It is analyzed existing domestic and foreign technology and equipment for the allocation of seeds, melons (watermelon, cantaloupe) used in agriculture. It is presented the structural and technological scheme of allocation of seeds of vegetable and melon crops and analysis of shortcomings in the machine and production line CSS-20.

Key words: seed, seed separation, rotary separator, vegetable and melon crops, technological scheme.

The research of mechanization frecilities to obtain melon seeds.

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Issue 4 (92), 2016