Dobrovolskyi A., Kovalenko O., Andreychenko L., Koloyanidi N. Influence of seeding methods on the duration of the growing season and productivity of chickpea varieties

UDC 635.657: 631.6


Dobrovolskyi A.,

Kovalenko O.,

Andreychenko L.,

Koloyanidi N.


The aim of this work was to study the duration of  growing season, as well as to study the features of  formation of productivity of chickpea varieties depending on the seeding method and weather conditions of southern Steppe of Ukraine. The experimental part of the study was conducted in 2008-2010 yrs and in 2017-2019 yrs in the fields of the Mykolaiv region, which were located in the southern Steppe of Ukraine. Soil cover of experimental plot is represented by chernozem southern. Object of  research were varieties of chickpeas: Rosanna, Pam’yat`, Triumph, Budzhak. The scheme of the experiment also included methods of seeding such as ordinary (15 cm) and wide-row (45 cm). Seeding rate: for solid crops 0.6 million for wide-row 0.4 million pieces of germinating seeds per 1 ha. The chickpea growing technology, with the exception of the elements that were studied, corresponded to the recommended one for the research area. The sown area of the plot of the first order is 75 m2, the accounting area is 50 m2. The frequency is three times, and the placement of sections is randomized. The research used generally accepted methods in crop production.

As a result of experimental studies and production testing of medium-ripened chickpea varieties, it was found that the duration of the growing season of plants and their productivity depended on the seeding methods. The longest growing season – 108–113 days was observed with a wide-row sowing method, and the shortest – with solid sowing crops (101–108 days). Correlation analysis showed a strong positive relationship between the duration of the growing season and the average daily air temperature during the growing season of chickpea (r = 0.89). The highest yield of chickpea varieties was formed in wide-row crops, while the increase in grain yield was 0.11 t/ha or 7.8% compared to solid crops. Precipitation and Sielianinov’s hydrothermal index (r = 0.73 and r = 0.75) had a great influence on the formation of the grain yield of chickpea, and the average daily air temperature (r = 0.80) had an effect on the accumulation of protein in the grain.

Keywords: chickpeas, meteorological conditions, growing season, productivity, variety, seeding method.


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E.A. Domaratsky, A.V. Dobrovolsky. Influence of non-root infusions with complex multifunctional preparations on the level and qualitative composition of the chlorophyll complex in sunflower plants.

E.A. Domaratsky

A.V. Dobrovolsky

The effectiveness of foliar dressing with microelements is widely known. Nowadays, the microfertilizers on complex basis have grown in popularity. It has been proved that plant growth regulators stimulate the growth of the foliar apparatus, affect the biosynthesis of chlorophylls, the formation of chloroplasts, the transport of photoassimilants and the intensity of photosynthesis.
The aim of this research was to determine the influence of extra-root dressing with complex multifunctional fertilizer Wuxal® and Helafit Combi® on the state of the initial processes of photosynthesis, to determine the dependence of the responsiveness on light conditions for the formation of chlorophyll content (overall and fractional), depending on the background of mineral nutrition and foliar dressing with multifunctional fertilizers.

The article presents the results of studies on the determination of the content of chlorophyll (general and fractional), depending on the background of mineral nutrition and leaf foliage supplementation with multifunctional fertilizers Wuxal® and Helafit Combi®.

In the conditions of field experiment on black earths of the usual low humus zone of the Steppe of Ukraine, it has been proved that improvement of the nutritional regime of sunflower agrocenosis (the introduction of mineral fertilizers by the norm N30P45 in combination with the multifunctional combination compound Helafit Kombi®) during the years of research on average increases the total content of chlorophyll by 61%. At the same time, the content of the fraction of chlorophyll “a” increases (by 85% compared with the fraction “b”), and the ratio of the fraction “a” to “b” increases from 2.26 to 4.01. This process is accompanied by an increase in the yield of sunflower by 39%.

The further use of research results will provide the opportunity for multidimensional study and determination of the degree of influence of new fertilizers and growth stimulators on optimization of the nutritional regime of sunflower agrocenosis and their subsequent use during cultivation of plants in the agroclimatic conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine.

Key words: sunflower, fertilizer, yield, chlorophyll, Helafit Combi.


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Agrotechnical method of prolongation in photosynthetic activity of sunflower plants

UDC 633.854:632.931.1

V. Bazaliy,
E. Domaratzkiy,
A. Dobrovolskiy

It is known that the rate of photosynthesis is determined by the assimilated surface area of leaves which, in its turn, depends on growing conditions. The question about the peculiarities of mineral nutrition of sunflower is important to define a theoretical foundation for the use of fertilizers and drugs of combined action. In the modern technologies rooting out is one of the best methods of fertilizer application. The article presents the results of the influence of root out nutrition of sunflower plants by the drug Khelafit Comby. It is established its stimulating effect to prolong the photosynthetic activity, a decrease of empty grains in baskets and an increase of seed weight from one basket, which leads to the increase in the level of sunflower yield by 0,27 t/ha.
At the beginning of the growing season the results showed that reducing the size of the assimilation apparatus has a similar characters in most cases, but in 15 – 20 days after the observations it was noticed a significant difference. So, by the first control on September 5 it was only 22% of the active leaf surface and after two times treatment by the drug Khelafit Comby this figure was twice as much. During the control testing of the sunflower on September 15 almost all the leaves of the plants were not capable for photosynthetic activity and with the using Khelafit Comby 16% of the area of the entire leaf surface was functional.
The treatment for sunflower plants by the drug Khelafit Comby gave the opportunity to reduce the emptiness of grains in baskets for 7 – 10% and to increase the seed weight from one basket by 8,8 – 15,4%. The result of this impact was a steady increase of the sunflower yield. Due to the low cost of this drug it can significantly increase the economic indicators of the sunflower growing.
Further use of the research results will provide the opportunity for multifaceted study and determine the impact of the new khelafit fertilizers, biological fungicides and plant growth stimulants and their further application with the technology elements improvement of sunflower cultivation in agro-climatic conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine.

Agrotechnical method of prolongation in photosynthetic activity of sunflower plants.

Issue 4 (92), 2016