Effective production of corn grain at the repeated growing and different systems of defence in left-bank of Forest-steppe of Ukraine

UDC 661.162:631.55:658.562:633.15(477.5)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-9


D. Shatsman


       It was established that currently, along with preservation and rational use of natural resources, the problem of food security on a global scale, which is successfully solved with the use of intensive technologies in agricultural production, became topical.  Intensive technologies foresee the use of chemical plant protection products, as their impact on the efficiency of agricultural production is significant.  In conditions of climate change and with the use of intensive technologies of agricultural production, violation of crop rotation and unbalanced introduction of mineral fertilizers, levels of potential littering of the arable layer of soil by weeds and damage by pests and diseases have increased.
       It is determined that intensive agriculture with the progressive development of agrochemical industry has long been dominated by a chemical method of protecting crops using herbicides.  The list of recommended preparation contains a significant amount of them and is constantly updated.  Manufacturers offer a variety of preparations- by the active substances, terms of application, norms of use.  Therefore, it is important to determine the effective herbicides as a continuous and selective action that will provide the choice of the necessary preparation depending on the type of weeding in the early and late growing periods of corn, which can control the precipitation of its crops.  With the timely application of the premature and post-herbicide, it is possible to ensure the efficient production of corn grain.
       For the purpose of efficient production of corn grain, the value of herbicides as a continuous and selective action was established in order to ensure the use of the necessary preparations at the early and late stages of cultivating this crop.  It was determined that the use of pre-production herbicide does not guarantee complete protection of crops from weeds and reduces yields, yield of corn grain and its quality.  The efficiency of complex application of precipitate herbicides with additional spraying of corn crops by post-emergence herbicides is determined.  It is shown that re-introduction of post-herbicide herbicides is important for improving the effectiveness of chemical agents in the destruction of weed vegetation in corn crops.  According to the results of the study, it was found that the highest yield, the yield of maize grain and its quality for unchanged cultivation in the Left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine was obtained by applying the Hernes extraction herbicide and additional usage of Milagro post- emergence herbicide..

       Keywords: herbicide application, corn, permanent growing, impurity, productivity, yield of grain, quality of products, productivity.


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