Bilousova Z., Keneva V., Klipakova Yu. Sowing quality of winter wheat seeds depending on the component composition of protectants

UDC 632.952:633.111.1


Bilousova Z.

Keneva V.

Klipakova Yu.


In modern agricultural production fungicides and insecticides are used for protecting winter wheat seeds from fungal infections, differing in the amount and nature of active ingredients. Our study has been aimed at assessing the influence of multicomponent protectants on various growth parameters of winter wheat seedlings. The studies have been conducted in the laboratory using the roll method. Laboratory germination of seeds, the length, the raw and dry mass of seedlings and radicles, and seedling strength indices have been determined. Maxim XL, Insure Perform, Rancona I Mix, Lamardor Pro, Cantharis and Vibrance Integral have been used as protectants. Water treatment has served as a control measure. As a result of using all these protectants, there has been a decrease in laboratory germination of seeds and partial inhibition of their growth and accumulation of the dry matter by seedlings and radicles. It has been established that with the increase of the active substance amount in the tank mixture for the presowing seed treatment the seedling length decreases and its raw and dry mass decreases. Maxim XL, Insure Perform and Rancona I Mix have had the least harmful effect on these indices. The length of the root and its raw mass have been weakly dependent on the component composition of the protectants. With an increase in the amount of protectant active ingredients, there has been a tendency to reduce the dry mass of the roots (r = -0.73). As the amount of active ingredients in the protectant increased, the seedling strength indices decreased from 2054.36 to 907.50 for SVⅠ and from 2.12 to 0.77 for SVⅡ. The maximum positive effect from the presowing treatment of winter wheat seeds has been observed with the use of Maxim XL – the root length has increased by 4%, and the raw and dry mass of seedlings have increased by 9 and 11% respectively, compared to the control version. The seed treatment with Cantharis has reduced the laboratory germination index by 28% (rel.); the length of the seedling has been reduced by 64%, and the roots – by 20%; the raw and dry mass of seedlings have been reduced by 61 and 44%, and roots – by 16 and 50%, respectively, compared with the control. Based on this study, it has been concluded that increasing the number of active ingredients for the presowing treatment of seeds to 3 or more, it enhances the phytotoxical effect, which negatively affects the primary growth of plants.

Keywords: soft winter wheat, multicomponent protectants, presowing treatment, germination, seedlings, radicles.



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Intensity of peroxide oxidation of lipids during winter wheat seed germination (Triticum Aestivum L.) under effect of seed treaters and growth regulators


Yu. Klipakova

It was studied that treatment of infected seeds separately by seed treaters and AKM growth regulator led to the decrease in peroxide oxidation of lipids in the seed by 17-28% compared to control. Combination of seed treater and AKM in tank mix had a controversial effect on malondialdehyde content. In case of sole application of fungicide treaters it increased nearly by 7% while decreasing by 5% in case of application of fungicide-insecticide treater. This data testifies for advisability of timely seed treatment by fungicide treaters in order to avoid the development of oxidation damage during storage of infected seeds.
It was determined that root growth is accompanied by increase in peroxide oxidation of lipids intensity, especially under the effect of Raksil Ultra, AKM, and their combination. In root tissues of etiolated plants, malondialdehyde content under the effect of said preparations exceeded control by 16-39 %, testifying to significant amount of oxidative stress. Mixtures that have Lamardor in their content, induce the system of antioxidative protection and malondialdehyde content was 8-33 % less relative to control. During the transition to autotrophic nutrition(ВВСН 09)malondialdehyde content decreased across all variants, but the most it was observed under effect of Raksil Ultra (2.4 times). In case of use of other seed treaters and their mixtures with AKM malondialdehyde content in plant roots decreased and during the stage of first leaf unfolding (ВВСН 11) had barely any difference with control, testifying to adaptation of root system to growth conditions. Peroxide oxidation of lipids intensity in sprouts depends on the stage of development of winter wheat plants and effect of chemical stressor. In etiolatedcoleoptile(ВВСН 07) the highest intensity of peroxide oxidation of lipids was observed under the effect of AKM, Raksil Ultra, and, especially, their combination, where malondialdehyde content exceeded control by 9-39 %. Other studied seed treaters and their combinations with growth regulator decreaseperoxide oxidation of lipids intensity by 14-44 %, and the mostinhibition of peroxide processes was caused by Lamardor, that correlates well with germination delay done by said treater.
During transition toautotrophic nutrition type (ВВСН 09)peroxide oxidation of lipids intensity decreased in sprouts treated with Raksil Ultra and its combination with AKM while sharply increasing in other variants. Together with it, seed treaters that contained Lamardor, increased malondialdehyde content by 1.6-1.9 times. With first leaf through coleoptile emergence (ВВСН 10) and in first leaf unfolded stage (ВВСН 11)peroxide oxidation of lipids intensity increased regardless of treater type and growth regulator, testifying to oxidative stress development, antioxidative protection system exhaustion and possible negative impact and further growth and development of the sprout. It should be noted that all studied seed treaters except for Lamardor-Gaucho mixture, induce antioxidative protection system in sprout’s tissues, proven by 6 – 35 % lower malondialdehyde content compared to variant without seed treatment.
So, peroxide oxidation of lipids intensity, and thus growth and development of winter wheat root system is determined by the nature of the seed treater and growth regulator, while for the sprout thetreater and its interaction with the growth regulator are essential.

Key words: peroxide oxidation of lipids, caryopsis, roots, wheat seedlings, seed treaters, growth regulator.

Intensity of peroxide oxidation of lipids during winter wheat seed germination (Triticum Aestivum L.) under effect of seed treaters and growth regulators.

Issue 1(88). 2016