O. Karunsky, K. Garbazhi. Effect of natural feed supplement on the dynamics of live weight of pigs on fattening.

UDC 636.087.74 : 636.087.73

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-17

O. Karunsky
K. Garbazhi
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8696-8810

One of the main prerequisites for improving the productivity of farm animals is their full feeding. The absence or lack of individual feed components or biologically active substances, as well as the violation of their ratio in rations leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the use of nutrients in feed and, consequently, to reduce the productivity of animals.

As a feed additive for increasing protein in feeding pigs, along with traditional protein foods, microscopic aqueous chlorella can be used. The use of chlorella is due to the content of a large amount of protein, a complete set of essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and many other biologically active substances (Bogdanov N., 2001; 2002) [1, 2].

It contains an antibiotic chlorella. If you compare the nutritional value of chlorella with other feeds in the content of digestible protein and carotene equal to it, no feed. Calcium in chlorella is approximately the same as in cereal sown, and phosphorus is much larger [4,5,11].

Introduction of compound feed of young pigs on fattening of a natural forage additive Chlorella in the form of a suspension and in the form of granulated feed at a rate of 40-60 ml / head improves the growth dynamics of experimental animals compared with animals of the control group, which Chlorella was not introduced into the diet. The third test group showed the best result. They received a suspension of Chlorella with granulated feed at a rate of 40-60 ml / head. At such doses, the live weight of animals reached 121 kg and became higher by 18.6% compared with the same indicator of animals in the control group. The results of the second experimental group surpassed this figure by 6.9%.

Key words: fattening pigs, live weight, suspension of Chlorella, granulated feed with Chlorella, average daily gain, growth dynamics.


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