Mardar M., Lozovska G., Pambuk S., Hozhelova K. The main trends in the development of dairy market and marketing methods of its promotion

UDC 338.64


M. Mardar

G. Lozovska

S. Pambuk

K. Hozhelova


This is an investigation of the principal trends of the dairy products market development. It has been discovered that the Ukrainian dairy products market is various and highly competitive. It is important to note that domestic production is a base of the market. It is possible to see the noticeable and permanent recession. The import ratio is small, that’s why in 2018 it was 1,96% in physical terms. The downward trend in dairy production in the first half of 2019 is explained by the shortage of raw materials. Here are the principal world trends in the development of the dairy products assortment:
1) Healthy nutrition. The structure of internal consumption shows us the tendency for healthy and high-quality food that increases the popularity of products with no preservatives and other supplements.
2) Growth of demand for lactose-free products. The growing demand has been caused by the number of people who have lactose intolerance. Particularly, there is more than 5 % of such kind of people in the USA and 10 % in Europe. More than 90 % of the population in China is lactose intolerant. The lactose-free dairy products are promoting sales on these markets and the offer of these products becomes more and more diversified.
3) The increasing of the plant milk sector. The segment of production of the plant milk analogues and so-called milk not taken from a cow or bio milk will grow and make pressure on this sector.
The income level, age, sex, place of residence and lifestyle are the most important factors that characterize the dairy products consumers.
To make the behavior analysis of the dairy products consumers, 68 respondents of different age, sex, marital status, social standing and incomes level have been interviewed. The investigation was undertaken in Odessa in March-April 2019.
Discovering the factors, which make the most influence on the choice of the dairy products consumer, there must be considered such as quality (25%), taste (20%), dairy product brand (23%) and price (16 %). The assortment was the least important thing for dairy products buyers (2%).
According to the market data and analysis, the transport and television publicity is the most suitable way for necessary reaching to a target audience and its frequency.
For estimation of the publicity campaign effectiveness, the principal financial indicators have been compared within three periods: before, during and after this campaign.
As a result of the undertaken investigation, the logical framework for the promotion of the dairy products has been developed. It allows the manufactures to determine the primary needs of the potential customers more exactly and push up the sale of their products on the market.

Keywords: dairy products, market, consumers, target segment, advertising events.


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