Dynamics of iron and manganese content in sewage sludge for long term storage and composting

UDC 574.628.1

V. Lopushnyak,
G. Hrytsulyak.

The amount of production of the organic fertilizers and their introduction in recent years have fallen sharply, that reduced to a negative balance of humus in soils, made worse fertility and coused productivity of agriculture. The perspective way of restocking of organic matter in soils is the use of sewage sludge as fertilizer.
However, the contents of some metals in it limits the use in agricultural production. Taking into consideration some negative impact on soil excessive amounts of metals that contained in sewage sludge, such as iron and manganese we should comprehensively assess the possible consequences of its entering into the soil and identify the main patterns of accumulation of these elements in it.
To establish the dynamics of the content of certain patterns of trace elements in sediment of sewage sludge samples were taken from the maps that in the WWTP CE “Ivano-Frankivskvodoecotechprom” for 8 years.
For storage of sewage sludge significantly reduced the concentration of iron and manganese, respectively, 12.0 and 12.3 mg/kg, then described the dynamics of this relationship regression equation and correlation coefficient using the methods of mathematical statistics.
Calculated and constructed regression equation of iron and manganese, which indicates a direct relationship of iron and manganese in the sediment of waste water. For  mathematical regression function constructed linear relationship between iron and magnesium. This dependence also obeys a normal distribution. According to the data, with the results of iron content in sewage sludge can find the content of manganese.
In modern conditions the real way to prepare sewage sludge to use as fertilizer in agriculture should be considered for dewatering sludge composting with subsequent maps of various organic fillers.
Composting of sewage sludge with organic and mineral fillers (sawdust, straw, cement dust) as a result of an opportunity to get high quality fertilizer. After the composting process, compost derived from sewage sludge with the addition of chips were the loose friable mass, which had no odor, and compost using straw particles were observed incompletely decomposed straw.
The compost from sewage sludge observed a significantly lower content of microelements. According to the research, the lowest content of iron and manganese was in the compost № 2  of sewage sludge + straw (3: 1) – 20 t/ha.

Key words: sewage sludge, agrochemical composition, fertilizers, micronutrients.

Dynamics of iron and manganese content in sewage sludge for long term storage and composting.

Effect of the mineral power of spring barley on content of mobile phosphorus in dark grey podzolic soil in Western Steppes of Ukraine

UDC 631.8:633.16

V. Lopushnyak, N. Vega

The research has established patterns of changes in the content of mobile phosphorus in dark gray podzolic soil in the Western Steppes of Ukraine during the growing season of spring barley under the influence of various norms of mineral fertilizers. The research had been performed during 2013 – 2014 years in two-factor field experiment: different rules fertilizer is factor A and foliar feeding preparations of organic origin are factor B.
The use of mineral fertilizers creates favorable conditions for plant nutrition spring barley during the growing season. The highest levels of mobile forms of phosphorus on variations of the experiment received in tillering stage. During the growing season – and heading to the phase of full ripeness they slightly decreased due to the absorption of phosphorus by plants during power.
By the cultivation of spring barley on unfertilized version received the lowest content of mobile phosphorus in the soil, which were in the layer 0 – 20cm depending on the phase of growth and development of culture 73 – 82mg/kg soil. The use of fertilizers in normal N30P30K30 and N45P30K30 accompanied by growth of its contents in accordance with 23 – 24mg/kg and 21 – 35mg/kg soil. With increasing standards fertilizers to N60P30K30 і N45P45K45, trend growth dynamics of mobile phosphorus in dark gray podzolic soil. Excess variant without fertilizers, depending on the phase of vegetation in the upper soil layer (0 – 20cm) was at 17 – 32 і 31 – 41mg/kg soil.
The highest content of mobile phosphorus occurred concurrently mineral nutrition N60P45K45, which he was in the tillering stage in soil layer 0 – 20cm 124mg/kg soil, excess control was at 42mg/kg soil or 51%.
In soil layers 20 – 40 and 40 – 60cm, the content of mobile phosphorus was characterized by slightly lower.
By foliar fertilizing value of mobile phosphorus content was at backgrounds mineral fertilizer.
It was established that there is a substantial connection between the content of mobile phosphorus and norm of fertilizers during the growing season of spring barley. The coefficient of determination in soil layer with 0 to 20cm; in tillering stage was R2 = 0,89, earing – R2 = 0,92, before harvest – R2 = 0,80.
Key words: mobile phosphorus, dark gray podzolic soil, mineral nutrition, spring barley, growing season

V.  Lopushnyak, N.  Vega. Effect of the mineral power of spring barley on content of mobile phosphorus in dark grey podzolic soil in the Western Steppes of Ukraine.


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В. І. Лопушняк, Н.І. Вега. Вплив рівня мінерального живлення ячменю ярого на вміст рухомих сполук фосфору в темно-сірому опідзоленому ґрунті Західного Лісостепу України

У статті наведено результати досліджень зміни вмісту рухомих сполук фосфору в темно-сірому опідзоленому ґрунті Західного Лісостепу України за вегетаційний період ячменю ярого внаслідок застосування різних норм мінеральних добрив. Встановлено, що внесення мінеральних добрив сприяє підвищенню вмісту рухомих форм фосфору. Найвищі показники забезпечив фон мінерального живлення N60P45K45, які складали у верхньому шарі (0-20 см) залежно від фази вегетації 124-110 мг/кг ґрунту.

В. И. Лопушняк, Н. И. Вега. Влияние уровня минерального питания ячменя ярового на содержание подвижных соединений фосфора в темно-серой оподзоленной почвы Западной Лесостепи Украины

В статье приведены результаты исследований изменения содержания подвижных соединений фосфора в темно-серой оподзоленной почве Западной Лесостепи Украины за вегетационный период ячменя ярового в результате применения различных норм минеральных удобрений. Установлено, что внесение минеральных удобрений способствует повышению содержания подвижных форм фосфора. Наиболее высокие показатели обеспечил фон минерального питания N60P45K45, которые составляли в верхнем слое
(0-20 см) в зависимости от фазы вегетации 124-110 мг / кг почвы.


Dynamics of phosphoric mode of dark grey podzolic soil under the influence of different systems of fertilizer

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 631.445.2:631.81

The results over of long-term researches of influence of the mineral, organic and organo-mineral fertilizer systems with different saturation by organic fertilizers on the phosphorus mode of dark gray podzolic soil in the field short rotation change of fruit crop rotation of Western steppes of Ukraine are brought.

It is set that the best indicators of phosphorus mode are provided organic-mineral fertilizer system. The use of organo-mineral fertilization system assists increase of content of organic forms of phosphorus comparatively with mineral on 38 – 71 and 133 – 166 mg / kg soil, or 72 – 91 % comparatively with the unfertilized variant. In the deeper layer (20 – 40 cm) a difference was saved between the fertilized variants and control. However between variants with fertilizers a difference gradually diminished and in a layer a 40 – 60 cm content of фосфорорганічних connections in soil, where applied organic fertilizers, was practically at identical level.

At the compatible bringing of organic and mineral fertilizers the indexes of content of mineral connections of phosphorus and insoluble remain go down unimportant. With a depth (from a 60 – 80 cm) a difference in the indexes of different forms of phosphorus in soil between the different systems of fertilizer is practically leveled.

Organo-mineral fertilizer system also provided the increase of content of mineral connections of phosphorus comparatively with control, but to a lesser extent than mineral. The most subzero indexes of content of mineral forms of phosphorus were marked in  the variant of the organic system of fertilizer, where content of mineral phosphorus presented 549 мг/кг to soil and on 36 мг/кг was below from the index of variant, where applied the mineral system of fertilizer. With a depth the indexes of content of mineral phosphorus were stabilized.

Organo-mineral and organic fertilization systems provided practically the identical indexes of content of insoluble remain within the limits of 133 – 137 g/kg soil, or 13 % from content of gross phosphorus in all variants. With a depth content of insoluble remain went down.

V. I. Lopushniak. Dynamics of phosphoric mode of dark grey podzolic soil under the influence of different systems of fertilizer

Key words:
phosphoric mode, factions of phosphorus, darkly-grey podzolic soil, system of fertilizer, crop rotation.


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