The role of urban united territorial communities in the development of rural areas

UDC 331.5.024.5

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-3

Yu. A. Kormishkin
M. P. Minyailo


       The article examines the essence of the concept of “rural territory” and establishes that rural territory is considered as a social-spatial education, which combines the following components: organizational, industrial-economic, socio-economic and natural-resource. It is substantiated that the main feature of rural territories is its interrelation with the administrative-territorial system. In particular, rural areas become the object of self-government, a unit of local self-government, the main purpose of which should be the policy, aimed at satisfying the diverse needs of the peasants.
      On the basis of the research, we have found that the development of domestic rural areas in today’s conditions is characterized by significant structural, functional and related demographic, social problems, low investment and innovation activity, decline of infrastructure support, the existing communal crisis, low level of activity, solidarity and integration of the population in the management processes.Most of these problems are due to insufficient legal certainty, high level of centralization, and lack of system-synergetic management of public processes at the state level.
      It is determined that in order to allow rural areas to develop, and residents of the settlements could get the right to modern medicine and education, good roads and illuminated streets, to obtain affordable and high-quality administrative, communal and social services, decentralization of power is taking place in Ukraine.
      It is substantiated that the municipal united territorial communities are communities with a significant number of rural and urban populations, and the dominant center is the city.At the same time, it was established that domestic legislation does not specify requirements for the mandatory population of the community, but the practice has shown that the community with more than 10 or 20 thousand people will be more financially capable.
      As a result of the research of the activities of the Bashtanka and Mena city united territorial communities, it was established that for the development of their own rural areas, local self-government bodies of city UTC (united territorial communities) apply a number of measures not prohibited by law, namely: conduct public hearings and referenda, organize and conduct general meetings of citizens for place of residence objectively and in time to consider collective and individual appeals of residents to bodies and officials of municipal self-government, gives the opportunity to Invitations to prepare and submit local initiatives to the council. Also, such communities, in strategic planning of their development, see one of the strategic goals as developing rural areas through the development of the agrarian sector, ensuring adequate quality of life in rural areas, development of entrepreneurship, etc.
      Having examined the programs of socio-economic development of Bashtanka and Mena City UTC, it was stated that in strategic planning of their development in these communities there is no clear definition of the strategic goal of “development of rural territories”, both communities focus on the development of rural areas through the creation of favorable conditions for the economic development of the community and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants, based on their resources and understanding of reasonable growth.
     It is concluded that the city’s united territorial communities are a powerful incentive for the development of rural areas, have considerably higher revenues to local budgets, thereby strengthening the budget opportunities of rural areas. In particular, urban UTCs, due to the combination of urban and rural areas, extend the positive impact of cities to neighboring rural areas and make more effective incentives in these areas for attraction investors to the countryside.

     Keywords: rural territory, decentralization, united territorial communities, budget, financial decentralization, development.


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Features of the process of decentralization in the Mykolaiv region

UDC 342.25(477)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-5


M. Minyailo
N. Galunets
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9471-8272

 The article deals with the theoretical aspects of decentralization and the main measures envisaged by this reform.It is established that the main goal of the decentralization reform is to create the proper conditions for the development of communities and to bring services closer to the population through the formation of communities, the delegation of most powers to the basic level, a clear division of responsibilities between different branches of government, and ensuring the proper provision of local self-government resources.
        Within the framework of the study, an analysis of the features of the decentralization process in the Mykolaiv region was conducted. It was established that as of September 10. 2018, Mykolayiv oblast occupies the 10th place in the ranking of oblasts for the formation of UTC (united territorial communities). In addition, it was determined that the majority of residents of cities of oblast significance are beyond the boundaries of associations, which testifies to distrust of the authorities and the reform of decentralization in the country.
       The features of financial decentralization of the UTC of the region are considered and it is established that according to the indicator of the dynamics of revenues of local taxes and meetings of UTC of Mykolaiv region, there are positive results, which is the most realistic indicator of community work in the direction of improving its financial capacity.Also, it should be noted that according to the data of the Ministry of Regional Development in the list of 20 best financial communities in 2017 included two united territorial communities of the Mykolayiv region, in particular Galitsinovskaya UTC – 9th place and Mikhailovskaya-20th place.
        It is established that the decentralization process in the Mykolaiv region is perceived with great care. Although work in this direction began as early as 2015, most of the existing communities were psychologically mature only in late 2016, at that time, elections were held in 19 communities of the region.
        The study found that the process of implementing decentralization reform creates a number of potential challenges and risks in the field of socio-cultural policy, effective governance, and the development of effective political pluralism in the communities.
        It is concluded that the creation of the united territorial communities of the Mykolayiv region is mostly without support from the general population, in the former united territorial communities there are no properly trained staff and there is a low level of qualification of local self-government employees for the implementation of new functions.This leads to ineffective use of the financial resources of territorial communities, the inability to master state subsidies for development.

         Keywords: decentralization, financial decentralization, bodies of local self-government, (UTC) united territorial communities.


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