Dovhal H., Bezuhla L. Regional innovative development model of ecotourism infrastructure

UDC 338.48:379.8:332.711


Dovhal H.

Bezuhla L.


The article analyzes and summarizes the legal framework for regulating the development of tourism and regional programs on the example of Dnipropetrovsk region. A set of barriers has been identified that hinder the effective formation and development of ecotourism infrastructure in the region. To eliminate the above barriers, it is necessary to create a regional innovative model of ecotourism infrastructure development, the components of which include: personnel, logistics, information, finance, marketing, transport, innovation.
The implementation of this model should include: partnerships between participants; coordination of regional authorities’ efforts with local self-government bodies; scientific and organizational support of long-term ecotourism development programs; development and implementation of the marketing concept; implementation of innovative programs and infrastructure projects for the development of ecotourism activities; creation of a modern information support system; development of a financial support mechanism, which will consist in the use of various financing instruments (public-private partnership, soft loans, crowdfunding, venture capital, grants, international technical assistance, international funds, etc.).
It is established that for the development of rural green tourism in the region it is advisable to make changes and additions to a number of legislative documents, namely: the Laws of Ukraine «On Tourism» and «On Personal Farming» should include organizational, informational, marketing and financial support for the development of ecotourism infrastructure that would meet European standards; the strategy of regional development of Dnipropetrovsk region for 2021-2027 should be supplemented with measures to implement the strategic goal «Development of tourist infrastructure (including rural green)»; to develop a regional program for the development of rural green tourism, taking into account the specifics of the Dnipropetrovsk region.
Implementation of the regional innovative model of ecotourism infrastructure development will increase the income of the rural population and the amount of revenues to local budgets; reduce unemployment by creating additional jobs; to intensify the development of small business in the villages of the region; strengthen public-private partnerships based on attracting private investment.

Keywords: ecotourism, tourism sector, tourism services, ecotourism infrastructure, regional innovation model.


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Theories of regional development and their influence on the development of agricultural territories

УДК 332.13:338.32


N. Potryvaieva
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9781-6529
O. Dovgal
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3353-4749


         The article investigates modern directions of development of regional theories, their content, and features of evolution. As a result of the research, the influence on the development of rural areas has been established.
         The purpose of the study is to highlight theories of regional development, provide an opportunity to substantiate the features of regional and national development, and determine additional factors of their influence on the development of rural areas. There are the following tasks have been identified: the study of the content of the concept of “regional development” and its complex functional characteristics; generalization of approaches to the formulation of the essence of the concept of “regional development” of the study of the peculiarities of the influence of regional development on the formation of the potential of rural territories.
        Theoretical researches on the theory and concepts of regional development are generalized. Theories and concepts of regional development, which consider various mechanisms of influence on the state of the territories, taking into account the location of economic objects, their interaction with the external environment, interaction and partnership at the local level, human potential, etc. The emphasis is placed on the fact that most theories and concepts the development of regions appeared in the 70-90 years of the last century. All of them are based on the fact that the achievement of high socio-economic indicators depends to a large extent on the quality of management rather than on resource potential.
        The authors prove that the rural areas of Ukraine, which occupy a third of the population of the country and is the most important stage of agricultural production is the production of agricultural raw materials. It makes a significant contribution to the development of the national economy. The study of the features of the formation of rural territories is a source and a way of their reproduction, and also plays a key role in determining the functions, direction, and dynamics of their development. The study of theories of regional development made it possible to study the peculiarities of regional and national development. It is possible to determine the additional factors of their influence on the development of rural areas in order to improve their well-being, increase their well-being and increase the standard of living of the population. It has been determined that the full development, reproduction, and development of the resource potential of rural territories depends to a large extent on the public consensus of landowners, land users, local government, social workers, entrepreneurs of the non-agricultural sphere, state authorities, and others.

        Key words: agrarian production, regional theories, regional development, resource potential, rural territories.



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