Social activity of agrarian enterprises as a basis for the prosperity of modern village

UDC 658.012.1

A. Zagorodniy,
Yu. Cheban,
S. Syrtseva

The main components of “agrarian enterprises’ social activity” concept are investigated: objects, directions of realization and main expenses of activity. The author’s vision as for defining the concept of “national activity of industrial enterprises” is proposed. The purpose, classification and directions of realization of social activity are determined. Classification attributes (degree of state regulation, social responsibility of activities) and classification of expenses of social activity are supplemented. The range of incomes and expenditures of social activity of an agrarian enterprise is determined. The main results of the conducted sociological research on social activity of agrarian enterprises of Mykolaiv region are outlined. It has been determined that only 10% of surveyed enterprises have a plan on social development, and an internal report of social activity have only in 7% of surveyed enterprises. This confirms the need to study and develop directions of management, recording and analyzing the results of social activities. It was suggested that special features of agrarian enterprises’managment contribute the financial support of social sphere and according to the interests of area where they are located and taking into account the labor and personnel potential. According to the main directions of implementation, a direct connection of the social activities of agrarian enterprises with the well-being of the area in which the enterprise operates is proved. The directions of activity of the Regional center of social leisure are offered (school of development for preschool children, creative workshops, organization of excursions, involvement of children in public, charitable and volunteer activities, organization of contests, seminars, online projects, trainings for school-age children, educational activities of applicants to HEIs and for scientific-pedagogical workers of Mykolaiv universities and others). Throughout the activities of the Regional center of Social Leisure, the purpose of youth socializing tin the regions is clearly observed in order to form the emotional intelligence, social consciousness and personality.

Keyword: social activity, expenses of social activity, incomes of social activity, accounting, social development.

Social activity of agrarian enterprises as a basis for the prosperity of modern village.

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Issue 3 (95), 2017