Shebanina E., Shapovalova I., Tverdovska A. The role of crop production regulation in improving the competitiveness of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy

UDC 631.11:633/635:334


O. Shebanina

I. Shapovalova

A. Tverdovska


It is revealed that the crop production is the basis for the formation of a competitive agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy.The plant products are the source of financial resources for domestic economic entities in the countryside, ensure a constant increase in export revenues, which, as a result, helps to fill the state budget of Ukraine.It has been established that the market, the state and non-governmental and public organizations have a regulatory influence on the development of crop production.It is concluded, that the state regulates the development of crop production, the use of instruments of such types of economic policy: foreign economic, investment, scientific, technical and innovative, price, fiscal. It is stated that the non-state regulation of the crop industries indirectly influences its development and is carried out by non-state, including public organizations. The discussion points  in assessing the competitiveness of the domestic agricultural sector at national and international level are given. It is made the assumption that the agrarian sector of Ukraine has problematic aspects in its development, therefore, it is necessary to improve the current system of regulation of the branches of crop production, as the basis of domestic agriculture. It is emphasized that the parity interaction between public authorities, non-governmental structures in the agrarian sector and the agrarian business itself will improve the system of regulation of crop production in Ukraine, will help to increase the efficiency of production and marketing of crop production, will help to development the infrastructure of the agricultural market, and will help to ensure the competitiveness of the domestic agrarian sector. In this context, it is presented the division of responsibilities between state authorities, agrarian business and non-governmental organizations in the agrarian sector in the process of realization of the economic policy of the state. The main tendencies of development of the domestic agricultural insurance market as one of the most unregulated directions of ensuring the competitiveness of the domestic agrarian sector are presented. In order to eliminate discussions that prevent crop producers from insuring their crops and their products, it is proposed to use the world experience of managing agricultural insurance risk insurance and providing state support in the process of securing agricultural businesses.

Keywords: combined machine, technological scheme of the machine, structure of the machine, technological process, tillage, grinding and incorporation of plant residues.


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