Implementation of electronic public procurement in Ukraine and prospects for their development

UDC 004.9:35.073.53(477)

I. Ksonzhyk,Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

V. Astafyeva,Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Educational Establishment “Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives”

T. Molochkо, student of Accounting and Financial Department
Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

In the conditions of the continuous development of electronic systems, the reform of the public procurement institute is effective, since its state in Ukraine has always been characterized by significant corruption, imperfect regulatory environment, etc. Fighting corruption is one of the top priorities of Ukraine’s state policy. That is why one of the ways to solve this problem is to introduce an e-procurement system.
The effectiveness of the public procurement in the Internet directly depends on the information and communication infrastructure. The tendency of penetration of the Internet and mobile communication in all spheres of human life positively influences the development of electronic systems. Electronic purchases are a new “electronically performed” type of trading and include all stages, from the definition of the list of goods and services required, their approval, to the establishment of entities that may be potential suppliers, the approval of contracts.
In Ukraine, the development of electronic public procurement did not have a single development strategy for a very long time; there were no electronic resources that could provide a complete procurement process.
The decisive step towards improving public e-procurement was the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement”, which came into force on August 1, 2016. This Law provides cost restrictions for the purchase of goods, works (services) and states that foreign and domestic purchasers have equal rights. Customers should independently disclose purchasing information on a web portal.
The main system of electronic public procurement is the ProZorro system. In addition to it, such e-trading platforms as “PublicPurchase.Online” (“Derzhzakupivli. Online”), “”, “”, “” are popular. This system is developed by volunteers and IT business structures with the participation of experts from Georgia. ProZorro system consists of one database, and access to it is possible from 6 e-trading platforms. They receive their income from the fees paid by the tenderers for placing the tender.
The main goals of such innovations are greater transparency of electronic procurement compared to ordinary ones; prevention of corruption; objective evaluation of all procurement participants; use of electronic form of documents.
Modernization of electronic public procurement system will help: to improve competition between the participants; to increase the position of Ukraine at the world level through the implementation of international obligations; to provide more proportional ratio of the value and quality of the goods.

Keyword: public procurement, public sector, e-trading platforms.

Implementation of electronic public procurement in Ukraine and prospects for their development.

Issue 3 (95), 2017