Feasibility of controlling the thermal regime of the transmission of agricultural machines in conditions of Ukraine

UDC 662.99

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-14

V. Havrysh
V. Hruban
А. Kalinichenko


        During the heating of the tractor gearbox oil, there is a decrease in the efficiency, which leads to an increase in fuel consumption. This is observed at any time of the year. The efficiency of a gearbox as a function of the ambient temperature and the operating time has been obtained. This allows you to predict the effectiveness of the work of the tractor. Various methods to improve transmission performance were analyzed. The article analyzes the parameters of the exhaust gas of a tractor diesel engine. It was proved that one of the effective methods for temperature control is to use of an exhaust gas heat recovery system. It was shown that the capacity of the exhaust gas recovery system is sufficient to ensure the warming up of transmission oil to the optimum parameters. It is determined that the use of the proposed system may reduce fuel consumption by 155 UAH per shift (for tractors with drawbar pull of three tons). The direction of subsequent research is to determine the specific design parameters of the proposed system to ensure the optimum temperature of transmission oil.

       Keywords: tractor, gearbox, oil, recovery, economy.


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