Kaletnyk G. M. Prospects for increasing energy autonomy of the agriculture in accordance with the energy strategy of Ukraine

UDC 621.311.26


G. Kaletnyk


Global energy price trends require commodity producers, including agribusinesses, to change their approach to energy policy making, which is to move from an outdated model of dominant use of traditional fuel resources and power sources to a new model of electricity supply, which provides electricity thus increasing their level of energy autonomy.  In addition, within the framework approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the Period up to 2035”, it is envisaged a steady expansion of the use of all types of renewable energy with a forecast growth of its share in 2025 to 12% of the total primary energy supply and at least 25% – the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU requires the fulfillment of the requirements of Directive 2001/80 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control and Directive 2010/75 / EC of the European Parliament  and the Industrial Emissions Council (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control).  According to these regulations, the share of energy produced from renewable sources in the overall structure of the country’s energy consumption should reach 11% by 2020, with wind and solar energy accounting for at least 32% in gross electricity from renewable sources.
The article considers the advantages, problems and prospects of using wind and solar energy technologies at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.  Based on the experience of the highly developed countries of the world on the development of alternative energy sources, the ecological and economic feasibility of creating an autonomous system of electricity generation based on stochastic energy of the sun and wind has been proved.  It also substantiates the technical and technological possibilities of creating such a “flexible” autonomous power supply network.

Keywords: wind energy, solar energy, energy storage system, autonomous system, electricity consumption schedule.


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