T. Pidpala, Ye. Zaitsev. The perspectives for the development of robotized milking systems technology

UDC 636.2.034

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-8

V. A. Lehkodukh
M. M. Lutsenko

The analytic observation of technology “motivated milking” technology is provided. The technology has significantly changed not only the approach to the cows milking, but the technology of milk production on the farm where in the center now is not the farmer but an animal with its physiological and ethological needs. The technology has laid a fundament to the future dairy farming. The history of creation, structure and functioning principle of automated milking systems, their spread in Ukraine and in the world. The main producers of robotized dairy equipment and the advantages and disadvantages of robotized milking technology. A number of proposals was formulated for successful distribution and exploitation of robotized milking systems.

It is known, that the cows milking is the most labour consuming, complicated and responsible process in the milk production technology and makes up to 70% of all production cost. That is why the robotized milking systems have much application during last years in the European countries, since they not only decrease the labour cost but also make free the farmer and he does not need to get up early and to spend most of the time on the farm. Moreover, the robotized systems allow milking according to the physiological needs of a cow and to the amount of milk in the udder.

The basis for this milking technology is the so called “motivated  milking”, when the cows are milked not according the plan, but according the desire of the animal, when all functions related to the milking reach their maximal level. Such technology ensures physiological need of a cow in the number of milking compared to the traditional technology of planned milking (two- or three times milking).

The main advantage of milking robots compared with traditional systems is their ability of 24 hours operation of which 21 hours they are at disposal for voluntary milking. Three hours are needed for 2 cycles washing and cleaning of laser sensor.

The other advantages of the robotized cows milking can be the following:

  • The increase of milk yield of the dairy cattle;
  • Considerable improvement of milk quality according to all ecological requirements for safe production. Accordingly better quality influenced the price;
  • Improvement of animal husbandry conditions, decrease of cow diseases e.g. mastitis and extension of their production period;
  • Saving of materials and construction of milking parlor;
  • Efficient and flexible working time use and decrease of labour volume factor in the production cost;
  • Profitability increase of milk production in general.

One of the main obstacles hampering the robotized milking in Ukraine and in the world is its high cost. As to the comparative criterion of cost relation for one conventional place calculated per one cow, the robotized stations of voluntary milking yield very much to the similar modern automated milking parlor, even within the same company’s equipment line.

Only agro-holdings or big agricultural enterprises in Ukraine can afford a robotized system of voluntary milking. Equipment cost has considerably grown after hryvna devaluationduring recent years, however it is not unaffordable for an investor aiming at production of high quality milk.

The robotized milking technology is promising for the dairy animal farming in Ukraine. It relieves the farmer of hard work, it is the most physiologically adapted to the animal, it improves production control and management and ensures high milk quality.

Thus, for a broad introduction of this system in the next years, it is necessary the following: the government support for creation new farms with robotized milking systems, in particular development of farm projects of various type and size, by construction of new farms and reconstruction of existing ones; creation of high productivity herds able to accept the robotized milking; training of highly qualified staff for servicing the robotized milking systems; research of new materials for robotized milking systems, which would  make considerably cheaper the equipment and make it more affordable for the dairy producers.

Key words: milking robot, “intellectual farm”, “motivated milking”, dairy cattle breeding, innovative technologies.


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