Mykhalko О., Povod M. Annual dynamics of dependence of sows productivity on design features of farrowing equipment in an industrial complex during the year

UDC 636.4.082


О. Mykhalko

M. Povod


The article examined the productive qualities of sows and the growth rate of suckling piglets in farrowing machines with different design features.The design features of the sows’ maternity farrowing equipment did not affect the number and weight of piglets during birth and the individual weight of piglets during weaning parturition. They tended to improve the conservation of piglets before weaning and they  tended  to raise  increasing the weight of the piglets’ nests during this period.The growth rate of piglets was higher in farrowing  equipment of both constructions in winter and transition periods and it decreased significantly in summer.This tendency is more pronounced in «La-TEK» farrowing equipment compared to Terra Exim-Agroimpex analogues. The index of complex evaluation of reproductive qualities of sows kept during farrowing and lactation in farrowing equipment with limiting arcs and adjustable length was 6,77% higher than the index of complex evaluation of analogues found at the time in farrowing equipment without limiting arcs and with fixed length.The multiplicity of sows in both types of farrowing equipment was higher in winter and spring compared to summer and autumn. The design of the farrowing equipment had a greater influence on the tendency of the piglets to change when they were weaned. A similar dependence was in the safety of piglets. The weight of the piglets’ nests when they were weaned in farrowing equipment with adjustable length and bounding arcs was consistently higher compared with farrowing equipment without limiting arcs and unregulated length throughout the all study period. The mass of piglets’ nests has become the minimum in summer and the maximum in spring. The average weight of one weaner during weaning decreased in both types of farrowing equipment in the summer and increased at other times of the year. Fluctuations in the average mass of one pig during weaning were significantly smaller in the «La-TEK» farrowing equipment compared to the counterparts held in the Terra Exim-Agroimpex farrowing equipment. These fluctuations were much smaller in the «La-TEK» farrowing equipment compared to the Terra Exim-Agroimpex counterparts. The number of weaned piglets depended more on the seasons compared to the design features of the farrowing equipment. The safety of piglets before weaning, the weight of one head during weaning and the weight of the piglets’ nest during weaning, depended both on the time of year and on the design features of the farrowing equipment for farrowing and lactation of the sow.

Keywords: sow, piglet, farrowing machine, multiple pregnancy, weight of the nest of piglets, safety, growth.


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