Tymchuk C., Kundenko P., Vakhonina L., Mardziavko V. Organization and management of the technological process of the elevator for improvement of quality grain indicators

UDC 62-1/-9


C. Tymchuk

P. Kundenko

L. Vakhonina

V. Mardziavko


This article presents an analysis of transport and technological lines in the elevator, which are provided by an automated control system.The relevance of this topic is justified on the basis of the mismatch of elevator productivity to modern needs and volumes of grain products. As the organizational and functional structure of elevator complexes remains without significant changes, which directly affects the characteristics of the management of the technological process of transportation and as a consequence on the quality of grain products.And since the volumes and requirements will always only increase, the question arises in the increased efficiency of elevator processes under the same conditions, with possible changes that will result in modernization, optimization and improvement of the process itself without changing the technological layout of equipment. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to analyze the methods of transportation of grain products at the elevator complex, with the subsequent definition of methods to improve the productivity of the enterprise. During the study of the control process and technological routes of the elevator complex, the structural control scheme and the algorithm for laying the route of grain movement at the specified coordinates were analyzed. According to the found shortcomings, one of the directions of increase and improvement of technological process on the elevator was defined, which consists in improvement of control algorithms in the direction of optimization of technological processes of the elevator on many criteria(minimum energy consumption, minimum grain combat, minimum transportation time), which should improve not only performance but also product quality. From which comes the taskin optimizing the modes and structural parameters of control of the electromechanical complex of the elevator, by improving existing and developing new methods, software and hardware means of operational intervention in the modes of electromechanical equipment of the elevator to improve energy saving and product quality.

Keywords: transport-technological line, SCADA system, quality of grain products, optimization criteria, elevator.



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