Gorbunova K., Litvinchu S., Taychrib K., Yablunovska K. Module-competent technologies for training future agro-engineers in accordance with the requirements of the Balogna process

UDC 378.147:621-057.87


Gorbunova K.

Litvinchu S.

Taychrib K.

Yablunovska K.


The article investigates the didactic foundations of the modular competence-based technology for preparing those who get higher education in the specialty «Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics» in the context of the Bologna process. The works of scientists regarding modular education and certain education have been analyzed in order to ensure that each module including competencies of the specialty is directed towards revealing and assimilating the key principles of the future professional activity of the electric power engineer. Attention is paid to the structure of the competency based educational paradigm, which contains separate areas that are in the basis for the development of module-competence technology for the preparation of future specialists. The main directions of preparation improvement of those who get higher education in energy specialties in accordance with the competency based paradigm, which serve as a basis for building the content of competency based education on a modular basis, are identified. General and professional competences have been identified. Using the discipline “Pedagogy of High School” as an example, it is presented technologically how the competencies of the future electric-power engineer are formed according to the modules based on the requirements of the Bologna Process. Practical research was carried out, on the basis of which the technology of acquiring competencies by future electric power engineers while studying the modules of the discipline “Pedagogy of High School” was developed. The percentage of competencies was calculated, which is prescribed to acquire each of the two modules in the process of working with lectures, for the work with practical tasks and for the execution of individual tasks. For the development of the preparation technology of electric power engineers, there was held a survey of those who get higher education at the engineering and energy faculty of the Mykolayiv National Agricultural University, which shows that modular-competency based technologies of the preparation of future electric power engineers are able to have a positive impact on the quality of preparation of future specialists. It has been proved that the preparation effectiveness of future electric-power engineers in the context of the Bologna Process will be significantly improved, and the formation of professional competencies of those who get higher education, provides an opportunity to successfully engage in professional activities in the sphere of electric power after graduation from higher education institutions.

         Key words: innovative pedagogical activity, ensuing specialists, modular studying, modular-competent attitude, professional competent.



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