Ivanov V., Onyshchenko A., L. Zasukha L., Hryhorenko V. Equipment for two-phase technology of pig breeding

UDC 636.4.082


Ivanov V.

Onyshchenko A.

L. Zasukha L.

Hryhorenko V.


One of the priority directions for the development of the agro-industrial complex is the further introduction of intensive pork production technologies.
Traditionally, the industrial production of pork at pig complexes took place using three-phase, two-phase and single-phase technologies, each of which had its own characteristics.
The above mentioned technologies for housing pigs are based on the use of the specific machine equipment.
The two-phase technology was a kind of compromise solution between single-phase and three-phase. With this technology, rearing piglets with one litter in the maternal machine it is reduced the number of conflict situations, which has a positive effect on their health, development and payment for feed with products. As a result, at rearing piglets in this way, the total production of pork increases by 12-15%.
But the machine equipment used at the end of the 20th century is not commercially produced today, so two-phase technology has not been widely used. In this regard, in our view, further improvement and development of new equipment for two-phase technology is relevant.
The purpose of our research is to develop new equipment for housing the lactating sows, the suckling piglets and the weaned piglets. To achieve this goal, we solved the following tasks: improving the design of the machine, improving the conditions of housing and feeding piglets, preventing rank stress after weaning them and forming new groups for rearing.
As a result of our research, we have developed a machine in the form of a four-section square block, in the middle of which is a feeder with a centrally located pyramidal cone, the edges of which form the back walls of four troughs, and their front walls are equipped with folding sides. In addition, temporary dividers are fixed between the back and front walls of the four troughs. Moreover, each section of the square block is equipped with a transformative locking box and a transformable inner partition equipped with a lattice door, a transformative thermo-house, a transformative bunker auto-feeder and a transformative auto-waterer.
Comparative studies of pig breeding in machines OSM-60 (control group) and SP-4FS (experimental group) concluded that the unification of the elements of the machine SP-4FS provides conditions for stress-free association of nests and keeping and feeding piglets after weaning and formation of new groups on rearing. It was found that from 28 to 65 days of age the animals of the experimental group probably outperformed control analogues in live weight at 65 days by 3.71 kg or 15.57% and from 66 to the end of 90 days of age – by 4, 34 kg or 12.04% in accordance.

Keywords: two-phase technology, easel equipment, piglets, live weight, safety, labor costs.



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