L. Antipova. Hay yield of alfalfa varieties depending on weather conditions and the application of the growth-regulating drug Emistim C

UDC 633.311: 631.8


L. Antipova 


The purpose of the research is to determine the influence of the plant growth regulator Emistim C on the hay yield of alfalfa varieties in the dry Black Sea Steppe zone.
Materials and methods of research. The studies were conducted during 2014-2016 at the Mykolayiv National Agrarian University. The following varieties of alfalfa were sown in early spring without applying coverless varieties: Nadezhda (control), Vinnichanka, Regina, Sinyukha. The counts and observations in the experiments were carried out according to generally accepted methods.
Research results. It was established that the duration of the sowing-seedling period was 25-26 days when sowing with untreated seeds, and when treating seeds with Emistim C it decreased to 22-24 days. The duration of interphase periods of plant growth and development was adjusted both by the use of Emistim C and by weather conditions. Field germination also varied depending on the alfalfa variety and the seed treatment with Emistim C. In the control variant (Nadezhda), this indicator was 49.5%, while in the Regina variety, compared to other varieties under study, it was the highest (50.9%). Significant improvement in field germination was observed in crops treated with Emistim C: 58.9-60.8% of plants sprouted. With regard to the reaction of the varieties to the indicated drug, the indicator for the Nadezhda variety increased against the control (the corresponding variety without seed treatment) by 19.0%, Sinyukha by 17.5%, Regina by 18.7%, and Vinnichanka by 20.6%. Alfalfa productivity in the first year of life, on average across varieties, increased as a result of the use of Emistim C for seed treatment from 2.29 to 2.56 t / ha, or by 11.8%. There was no significant difference between the studied varieties in terms of hay yield. Thanks to seed treatment with Emistim C, this indicator increased by 0.27 t / ha, or 11.8% against the control (cultivar Nadezhda), by 9.5% in the cultivar Vinnichanka, and by 14.8% in the cultivar Regina. Among the varieties, the increase in hay yield ranged from 2.23 to 2.50 t / ha for Vinnichanka, from 2.36 to 2.62 t / ha for Regina, and from 2.30 to 2.55 t / ha for Sinyukha.
Conclusions. Weather conditions and seed treatment with Emistim C significantly affect the formation of alfalfa productivity in hay. There was no significant difference in yield between the studied varieties. The duration of the sowing-seedling period during seed treatment with Emistim C, depending on the variety, decreased by 2-3 days. At the same time, stress for alfalfa plants of high temperatures decreased, which extended the growing season by 1-3 days. The field germination of alfalfa varieties increased from 17.5% (Sinyukha) to 20.6% (Vinnichanka). When sowing with untreated seeds, the yield of hay of the grade Nadezhda (control) was 2.28 t / ha. Thanks to seed treatment, this indicator increased by 11.8%. In relation to varieties, the increase in the yield of hay from Vinnichanka was 12.1%, Regina 11.0%, and Sinyukha 10.9%.

Key words: alfalfa, hay, weather conditions, plant growth-regulator Emistim C, variety, yield.


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Ways to increase the survival rate of sweet sorghum plants in the conditions of Southern Step in Ukraine

UDC 633.17(477/7)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-8


A. Chernova
O. Kovalenko
M. Korkhova
L. Antipova


        The article presents an analysis of the data on the effect of the studied factors on the growth and development of plants obtained in the phase of full ripeness of the grain. The varieties had a minimum survival rate of 74,9% in the Silo 700D and 77,1% in the Favorite, and in the Honey Hybrid – 78,5% and Troistiy – 77,6%, respectively. Plant survival during the period of full ripeness was significantly different depending on both the variety and the hybrid, and from other factors under study. This is due to the morpho-biological and physiological characteristics of varieties and hybrids, which contributed to better growth and development of plants, and ultimately led to an improvement in the photosynthetic apparatus of plants, which forms the productivity of the studied plants. The highest survival rates were noted with a planting density of 70 thousand units / ha in the variety Favorite and hybrids Honey with Troistiy. Thus, Honey hybrid in the control plots this indicator changed from 80,1 with a seeding density of 70 thousand units/ha to 78,7% with a planting density of 160 thousand units/ha, respectively. Only the variety Silo 700 D in variants without processing of plants with biopreparations and microfertilizers and seeding density 70, 130 and 160 thousand pcs/ha, the survival rate of plants was slightly lower compared with the control standing density of 100 thousand pcs/ha. The using for plants processing of Biocomplex-BTU and Kvantum microfertilizers contributed to an increase in survival rates for all varieties and hybrids. Thus, the variety Favorit, with a planting density 70 thousand pieces /ha, the survival rate of plants under the action of a biological preparations increased by 1,7%, a mix of microfertilizers – by 3,1%, a joint processing with a mix of preparations – on 3 times, compared with the control variant.

         Keywords: sweet sorghum, varieties and hybrids, seeding rate, biopreparations and microfertilizers, plant density and plant survival.


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L. K. Antipova, N.V. Tsurkan, A.M. Adamovics, L.A. Poisa. Perennial grasses are an important component of ecological farming and feed production.

UDC 633.2: 631.147: 636.085

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-5

L. Antipova
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2609-0801
N. Tsurkan
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0732-5938
A. Adamovics
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1725-4421
L. Poisa

Formulation of the problem. One of the factors contributing to the greening of farming is the cultivation of perennial grasses, therefore conducting research to determine the state of their development is relevant.

Research results. It has been established that in the meter (0-100 cm) soil layer accumulates over three years of life with root and post-mowed remains of 243.6 kg / ha of nitrogen; 38.7 – P2O5; 134.3 – K2O; 102.4 kg / ha – Ca. When flat-cut (without-dump) small tillage – by 11.9; 4.9; 5.1; 10.8%, respectively, in comparison with deep plowing.

During the period from 1990 to 2016 in Ukraine, the area of grass for hay and green fodder decreased by 72.4%, in the South of the country – by 88.1%. At the same time, in the South, the inflow of biological nitrogen into the soil due to nitrogen fixation decreased from 87.7 to 10.5 thousand tons of active ingredient. These indicators in terms of value (at prices in 2016) are approximately UAH 2,383.3 million in 1990 and UAH 258.2 million – in 2016. Consequently, the energy supply to the soil decreased (from 7612.4 TJ to 824.6 TJ), which indicates a large energy loss. If in 1990, in the Southern Steppe, 9% of the area under perennial grasses was counted, in 2016 it was only 1.4% of the total sown area at a rate of 8-10%.

Herbs, especially legumes, are an integral part of the biologization of agriculture in the PP “Agroecology” in the Poltava region. Livestock is fully provided with feed of its own production. Organic products are produced.

In Latvia, the area of perennial grasses in 2011 decreased in comparison with 1990 by 44.2%, respectively. Almost half of the acreage is set aside for fodder crops: grasses, legumes (peas, vetch, fodder beans). Agricultural land occupies 13% of the country’s land, of which arable land makes up 48.5%, and 42.7% of land is set aside for hayfields, pastures, and pastures.

Latvia exports up to 70% of all beef produced to the EU countries. Changes in the structure of agricultural land are noted, because Latvia, with accession to the EU in 2004, began to receive support for the development of the national economy.

Conclusion. Perennial grasses are an important component of crop production, which provides the population with food. Failure of crop rotations, a sharp decrease in the area under the crops of these herbs in Ukraine has a negative impact on soil fertility rates.

Thanks to herbs, ecologically pure nitrogen is accumulated in the soil, which contributes to the productivity of the cultivated plants that follow them and produces ecologically pure and safe products. An urgent need is to expand the area under crops of perennial grasses in Ukraine, in order not to end up with poor soil nutrients.

Key words: perennial grasses, area of crops, biological nitrogen, soil fertility, greening of agriculture, organic products.


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