L. Strika, T. Pidpala., O. Petrova, N. Shevchuk. Optimization of the parameters of the technological process of production of cooked sausages

UDC 637.521.47


L. Strika

T. Pidpala

O. Petrova

N. Shevchuk


It was determined the moisture content in cooked sausages during the production, which was 55.9% in a sequential method of cutting, compared with parallel and accelerated methods. It is proved that cooked sausages, made in the cutter by the accelerated method, were characterized with the low moisture content.
According to the requirements of the state standard, the amount of moisture in cooked sausage products “Molochna” should not be more than 58%. Research has shown that sausages meet the required standards.
It was determined the organoleptic characteristics of the sausage “Molochna” which depend on the method of cutting. It was found that sausage products were characterized by higher organoleptic parameters in a consistent way of cutting.
According to the results of the experiment it is proved that the indicators of protein, fat, salt, sodium nitrite content, although they meet the requirements of the standard, but they differ from one another. According to the tasting indicators, the sausage “Molochna” tasted better because of adding 20% of water to the stuffing. Products with an average amount of added water were characterized by good appearance of sausages, which is an important indicator in the consumer appeal of products.
The lower value of the tasting qualities belonged to the “Molochna” sausages made with low amount of water. Sausages with medium amount of water were characterized by a better appearance, consistency, juiciness and taste.
The physical and chemical parameters of cooked sausages “Molochna”, produced at different duration of cutting, were investigated. The short cutting time was 4-6 minutes, the medium 8 was 10 minutes, the long one was 11-12 minutes. The lowest moisture content noticed in cooked sausages which were made with medium duration of cutting. Other different groups of sausages met the requirements of the state standards.
The study of the qualitative indicator of sausages was carried out in 3 control variants. The production was performed at low (8-10ºC), medium (12-14ºC) and elevated (15-18ºC) cutting temperature. The moisture content of the sausages during manufacture was 56.3% at a medium grinding temperature. The low moisture content was in the cooked sausages made at elevated temperature of water grinding.
During the experiment it was proved that the amount of water in the production affects the quality of the products. Studies have found that the moisture content of cooked sausages was 56.1% with the addition of a large amount of water. Lower moisture content was at cooked sausages with the addition of a small amount of water (ice). It was proved that at the medium cutting temperature (10-12ºC) the products had the highest tasting score.
Cutting temperature affects the quality of finished products. The optimum temperature of the finished minced meat after cutting was 12°C, with using high-speed cutters the minced meat temperature reached 20°C for 3 minutes of processing. It is found that the longer the grinding time is the lower temperature the meat must have.
Therefore, the technologies, used for the production of mince meat, affect the physical and chemical parameters of cooked sausages, depending on the parameters of the technological process.

Keywords: cooked sausages, technology, cutting, temperature of cutting, physical-chemical parameters, organoleptic parameters.


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N. P. Shevchuk. Productive Longevity of Families In the Ukrainian Red Dairy Breed

UDC 636.2.034.082

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-18

N. P. Shevchuk
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5845-2582

One of the most important features about improving Ukrainian Red Dairy Breeds of cattle is the productive longevity of animals. The efficiency of lifetime use of families of Ukrainian red dairy cows has been analyzed. High life expectancy was attributed to the families of Bistra 1988, Luna 610, and Purga 5842, which were measured during 3021 days, 3123 days and 3131 days respectively. The cows of the Bistra 1988 family showed the highest lifetime tiredness, which was 28073,3 kg of milk. Among the studied livestock, the cows of the Luna 610 family (5,7 lactations) were used the longest, but life expectancy was only 27838,6 kg of milk. Prolonged productive use and high lifelong productivity were established in cows for Purga 5842 family (5.6 lactation and 27211.1 kg milk, respectively). The biggest longtime fat indicators in milk (3.90-4,07%) is characterized by the Purga 5842 families, Voloshka 1496, Liana 02900 and Bustra 1988. Compared to the Luna610 familydifference was 0.37 %; 0.39 %; 0.45% (P> 0.95) and 0.54 % (P> 0,99) respectively. By the lifetime of milk fat the most productive families were the Bistra1988, Purga 5842 and Zmiyka 266, their indexes were 1096.4 kg; 1065.9 kg and 1018.7 kg, according to the names.

For the milk yield for one day of life the families of Rozetka 2888 are the best productive families (8.3 kg of milk); Purga 5842 (8.4 kg of milk); Kukla 248 (8.4 kg of milk); Luna 610 (8.5 kg of milk) and Bistra 1988 (8.8 kg of milk). Their advantage over the family of Liana 02900 was 1.1 kg (P>0.95); 1.2 kg; 1.2 kg; 1.3 kg and 1.6 kg of milk, respectively. The families of Malina 22, Kukla 248, Zmiyka 266, Volga 840, Bistra 1988, Tsarivna 968, Rozetka 2888 and Kukla 226 prevailed over one day of economic use for milk yield. In comparison with the family of Liana 02900, their yield for one day of economic use was bigger by 1.2 kg; 1.2 kg (P>0.95); 1.3 kg; 1.3 kg; 1.3 kg; 1.4 kg (P>0.95); 1.7 kg (P>0.95) and 1.7 kg (P> 0.95), respectively.

In order to extend the duration of economic use and increasing the lifetime productivity of animals,during improving dairy cattle, domestic family breeding should be applied.

Keywords: breed, selection, family, cows, sign, lifetime productivity, longevity.


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