N. Sharata, I. Pavlov. The essence of the modern term «Public administration».

N. Sharata

I. Pavlov

One of the main factors in ensuring democratic progress of Ukraine on the principles of European integration values is the introduction of an effective system of governance in all social spheres, since Ukraine, as a European state, seeks not only to ensure successful socio-political and socio-economic reforms, but also to achieve a new quality of life, harmonization of social relations.

The processes of social transformation, the introduction of European standards led to the search for new approaches to understanding the definition of «state administration».

The article analyzes the definitions of «management» and «public administration». The author, in accordance with the analysis of theoretical sources on the history of management thought, the researches of scientists, concluded that practically in the study of the concept of «management» is treated as a special type of activity through which its subjects through the solving the management tasks provide the organization of a common management and guidance subsystems to achieve effective goals and we agree with it.

The paper generalizes the directions of researches by leading scientists concerning the definition of «state administration» and defines the  approaches to the understanding of this concept. In particular, the basis for the definition of the multi-faced concept of «public administration» is that some scholars use the approach according to which state administration is a branch of science that encompasses many disciplines, which includes the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. Other scholars regard state administration as a sub-branch of law. The article presents author’s vision for the definition of «state administration». According to the author, «public administration is a system of elements of state power, which has executive and administrative character and is aimed at regulating social relations in various spheres of state policy». Public administration has a dominant character and the state is the key to this system. In the state administration, the object is the state, the subjects are the executive bodies, the leaders and the management of these bodies.

Key words: governance, state administration, the state, state policy, executive branch.


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