Comparative analysis of mass and cost indicators of single-phase transformers and reactors with rectangular and hexagranium cross sections of armored rods twisted magnetic core

UDC 621.314

А. Sadovuy, assistant
А. Cherepovskaya, 4th year student
Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

Goal.To implement new technical solutions to improve the configuration of magnetic circuits of active elements. To develop mathematical models of optimization comparative analysis of electromagnetic system variants of single-phase transformers with a twisted magnetic core.
Methodology.To solve the problems of practical use of new designs of the active part of single-phase EMC, it is necessary to carry out an optimization comparative analysis of mass and cost indicators. ISС optimization is performed on the basis of mathematical models with partial or integral optimization criteria, while observing the identity of power, electromagnetic load and voltage of the windings, taking into account a set of independent and dependent control variables.
Results.The main technical solutions of electromagnetic systems of single-phase transformers are proposed, and also mathematical models of quadrilateral and hexagonal EMC of the compared variants are given. It is shown that existing twisted single-phase induction static devices do not sufficiently satisfy the requirements of compactness and reliability of electrical engineering and radio electronic devices. Improvement of reliability and mass and cost indexes are achieved on the basis of the use of “wasteless” technology for the production of twisted magnetic cores.
Originality.The structural transformation of single-phase induction static devices with a twisted magnetic core is considered for the first time in order to reduce resource intensity and increase reliability. The transformation of structures is based on the use of combined twisted elements of a trapezoidal cross-section of hexagonal sections of rods. Thus, the longevity of the insulation increases depending on the change in the bending of coil turns in the angular zones from 90 ° to 120 °, and the material capacity decreases by 6-6.9%.
Practical value.The proposed solutions and the method of structural optimization will allow to reduce the indices of the mass and the loss of active power of the ISU based on the twisted magnetic circuit for electrical equipment of various equipment. References – 8, figures – 1, tables.

Keyword: single-phase transformer and reactor, twisted magnetic core, mass-index indicators, optimization, controlled variables.

Comparative analysis of mass and cost indicators of single-phase transformers and reactors with rectangular and hexagranium cross sections of armored rods twisted magnetic core.

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Issue 3 (95), 2017