{"id":6456,"date":"2020-10-01T16:29:13","date_gmt":"2020-10-01T13:29:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/visnyk.mnau.edu.ua\/?p=6456"},"modified":"2020-10-01T16:33:12","modified_gmt":"2020-10-01T13:33:12","slug":"n106v2r2020iegorov","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/visnyk.mnau.edu.ua\/en\/n106v2r2020iegorov\/","title":{"rendered":"Iegorov B., Kordzaia N. Food security of the country: features of the protein diet of the population"},"content":{"rendered":"UDC <\/strong>338.439.6(477):664.38:006.83<\/p>\n


Iegorov B.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Kordzaia N.<\/strong><\/p>\n


The article is devoted to the consideration of the features of protein nutrition of the population in the context of country\u2019s food security ensuring.
\n<\/em>The main element of country\u2019s food security is recognized by the quality of food consumed by the population, in particular the content and ratio of basic nutrients – proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
\n<\/em>Proteins play an extremely important role in the functioning of living organisms. Today, there are many recommendations on protein consumption of the human.
\n<\/em>Many scientists with internationally known names deal with this issue, both in our country and in neighboring countries.
\n<\/em>Various governmental, national and international organizations, associations and foundations are also involved in the study of protein nutrition. Among such organizations are the United Nations Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, governments of the United Kingdom, the United States, Finland, Germany, France, and others.
\n<\/em>As a result of the analysis of the available recommendations, the authors of the article suggested the following average daily protein intake: for children under 1\u00a0year of age 0 to 1.40 g\/kg body weight; for children 2\u20263 years old \u2013 0.96\u20261.0 g\/kg body weight; for children aged 4\u20266 years \u2013 0.85\u20260.94 g\/kg body weight; for children aged 7\u202610 years \u2013 0.86\u20260.88 g\/kg body weight; for children aged 11\u202614 years \u2013 0.97\u20260.94 g\/kg body weight; for boys and girls aged 15\u202618 years \u2013 0.92\u2026 0.87 g\/kg body weight; for people aged 19\u202659 years \u2013 0.78 g\/kg body weight; for people aged 60\u202664 years \u2013 1.02 g\/kg body weight; for people 75 years and older – 1.17 g\/kg body weight.
\n<\/em>It should note that the need for proteins of animal origin (as a percentage of total consumption) will be: for children under 1 year \u2013 79%; for others \u2013 70\u202673% and for the elderly people \u2013 50%.
\n<\/em>The determined norms of daily protein intake will allow to ensure the quality and thus competitiveness of food products. And domestic food high quality and competitiveness is the way to increase countries\u2019 food security.<\/em><\/p>\n

Keywords:<\/strong> protein nutrition, norm, recommendations, daily consumption, food security.<\/em><\/p>\n



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