Clausen O., Patryeva L. The Danish model of organic agriculture

UDC 631.147(489)


Clausen O.

Patryeva L.


10 % of Danish farms are organic. They cultivate 11% of the agricultural land in Denmark. They produce good healthy raw materials with the utmost care for the environment, biodiversity and animal welfare.The Danish consumers are the most pro-organic consumers in the world. In fact, Denmark has the world’s highest organic share and the most well-developed organic market. More than half of the Danes – more specifically 51.4 percent – buy organic food every single week. The unique and governmentally certified Ø-label has been very important for the widespread success that organic food products have achieved in Denmark. A high standard of food safety, healthy quality food and a unique organic control system are the main reasons why exports of organic food products have increased year on year.Denmark has a long tradition of having a public food control system – from “farm to fork” – that is important for the high confidence that consumers have in the organic control system and organic products.Paving the way to success – cooperation, policy development, organic research. More than 20 years of targeted research has contributed to the success of organic production in Denmark.General reasons for buying organic food: safe, healthy and natural food – without synthetic flavorings, colorants and sweeteners; GMOs are prohibited;good animal welfare – natural behavior with access to outdoor areas; protection of the environment and drinking water – chemical pesticides are prohibited; strong focus on sustainability; high consumer confidence in organic food due to state certification system; food trends – local, healthy & natural, and ”easy-to-make”.

Organic Agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic Agriculture combines tradition, innovation, and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and good quality of life for all involved.

Keywords: organic agriculture, Danish model, regulations, control.


  1. Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1999. URL:
  2. What is organic agriculture? URL:
  3. Principles of organic agriculture. URL:
  4. Global organic food market nears €100 billion. URL:
  5. The organic way – the Danish model. URL:
  6. Organic food labels. URL:
  7. What is the Organic Cuisine Label? URL:
  8. Organic market share. URL:
  9. Facts and figures about Danish Organics – Organic Denmark. URL:
  10. World leading organic nation – Organic Denmark. URL: