Formation of accounting policy in the context of documenting the movement of stocks during seeding of spring crops

UNC 657.44:631.53.04:633.1

N.V. Potryvaieva.The peculiarities of accounting and taxation of preparatory spring field works.

The features of accounting and taxation of certain types of spring field preparatory works for profit tax payers; VAT (except agrarian enterprises within the meaning of Art. 209 of the Tax Code of Ukraine) and for single tax payers are described in the article.

spring field work, accounting, taxation, profit tax, value added tax, single tax.

N. Potryvaieva, T. Fedianina. Formation of accounting policy in the context of documenting the movement of stocks during seeding of spring crops.

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Н. В. Потрываева, Т. П. Федянина. Формирование учётной политики в контексте документирования движения запасов во время посева яровых культур.
Рассмотрен порядок документирования приобретения и списания запасов на посев яровых культур. Освещены отраслевые особенности бухгалтерского учёта затрат, связанных с движением запасов во время посева яровых культур. Обоснован порядок документального оформления хозяйственных операций оприходования и отпуска производственных запасов в производство, проведение сельскохозяйственных работ, а именно– посева яровых культур.

N. Potryvaieva, T. Fedianina. Formation of accounting policy in the context of documenting the movement of stocks during seeding of spring crops.
The procedure of inventory and write-downs’ documenting for planting of spring crops is discussed. The industry’s specific features of accounting costs associated with the movement of stocks during the planting of spring crops are covered. The procedure of documenting business transactions as for stocks’ supply and posting of production inventory, agricultural works, namely, planting spring crops, is substantiated.