Modeling and agroecological substantiation of a recovery period for soils to ensure their sustainable functioning

UDC 631.4 : 631/635

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-7


P. Trofymenko
V. Zhuravlev
N. Trofymenko
S. Veremeyenko


      The paper presents the algorithm of modeling, agroecological substantiation and features of the use of a recovery period for soils to ensure their sustainable functioning. Based on the information on the soil emission activity, it is proposed to determine a period of a low CO2 emission intensity as a soil recovery period (SRP). Within the SRP it is proposed to distinguish autumn (I) and spring (II) parts of it. It is shown that paying special attention to the time intervals with different intensity of CO2 emissions enables to minimize the losses of С-СО2.
     The duration of the recovery period for different soils varied over the years of research and depended on weather and climatic conditions as well as on their fertility. The number of SRP days with a minimal (<1 kg / ha / year), middle (<1 to 1.5 kg / ha / year) and high (<1.5 to 2.0 kg / ha / year) intensity of CO2 emissions from the soil was on average for: soddy medium-podzolic fixed-sandy soil on the loesslike  deposits, respectively – 30,7; 38.7; 45,7; soddy medium-podzolic fixed-sandy soil on the  ancient alluvium – 25,3; 34.4; 42,1; clear-gray, eluviated sandy soil on the loesslike  deposits – 19,2; 26.2; 32,6; clear-gray eluviated sandy-light loamy soils on the loesslike  deposits – 14,9 21,1 26,4.
     The estimated C losses in the total amount of CO2 emissions from the soddy-podzolic fixed-sandy soil within the SRP by the intensity of CO2 emissions are: at minimal – 3.5-6.3%, middle – 6.9- 12.4% and high intensity – 11.0-19.9%.

     Keywords: modeling, stable functioning, recreation period of soils, CO2 emissions.


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O. Pavliuchenko, N. Bondar, Y. Sots’ka. Fortification of pancakes with high protein lupine flour.

UDC 664.683.7

O. S. Pavliuchenko
N. P. Bondar
Y. D. Sots’ka
D.V Lysenko

Annotation. In the contemporary restaurant business specific attention is paid to the choice of cooking direction. The centuries-old traditions, culture and likes of Ukrainians caused a large percentage of flour products consumption. The most popular among consumers are pancakes, which amino acid contents is not enough balanced, therefore food industry pays much attention to quality improvement and pancakes enrichment with high proteins adding lupine flour to the products. The authors of the article are deeply studying and discovering this issue.

The analyses of the domestic and world experience in fortification of nutritional and biological value of flour products by means of using of non-traditional herbal high-protein raw materials, exactly lupine flour, has been presented in the paper. As far as nowadays at the food products market the seeds of different lupine sorts are widely represented, but also the products of its transformation, as flour, powder and even concentrate.

The perspective of using of lupine flour in technology of flour products and meals was shown. It was proven that lupine flour belongs to unique sources of nutrients as proteins and mineral substances. Usage of lupine flour in the technology of pancakes cooking allows to increase the protein and fat contents in the ready-made products and to decrease the number of carbohydrates at the same time. For the lupine flour one of the characteristic feature is the qualitatively better amino acid contents of proteins, namely unchanged amino acids.

The optimal amount of lupine flour in the in technology of pancakes without worsening of the quality was determined. It was approved in addition to all-above mentioned that lupine seeds are perspective high protein row materials for flour products and that pancakes of the better quality can be made with adding 25% of lupine flour to dough as well.

In conclusion the object of study was distinguished, the given aim was achieved, the materials were fully and deeply elaborated, the necessary conclusions were made.

Keywords: pancakes, lupine, protein, lupine flour, quality of products.

T. Arbuzova. The integrated system of management formation and administration of the economy of Ukraine in the global competitive environment.

UDC 339.137.2/.924:005.1(477)


The article presents the directions of building a vertically and horizontally integrated management and administration system for the Ukrainian economy. The influence of the institutional environment on the effectiveness of social and economic transformations and ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy is disclosed. It was found out that different societies form different infrastructure of institutions. The main tasks of improving the spatial development management mechanism are generalized. The need to strengthen the role of coordination ties expand the use of exclusive competence of state authorities and local self-government with the aim of individualizing their rights and responsibility for social-economic transformation is proved.

Keywords: national economy management system, competitiveness of the country, institutional environment, regional development, state management, local self-government, administration.

N. Potryvaieva, J. Gromova. Improving the audit of current liabilities in relationships with the optimization of accounting process.

UDC 657.6.001.26

N. Potryvaieva
J. Gromova

The article presents a theoretical evaluation of the relationship between accounting data and auditing of current liabilities, analyze their impact on enterprise activity in the conditions of information technology. The purpose of this research is to develop methodological approaches and providing practical recommendations for improvement audit of current liabilities by optimizing accounting process of business entities.

It was established that rational system which displays the activities and results of operations, the results of the implementation which ensure the accuracy of the information, their value for making operational and strategic decisions is the accounting process of business entities taking into account economic and organizational characteristics of the company. It was determined that the optimization of accounting of current liabilities through the introduction of information technology helps to change the procedures for their validation in the context of collecting and processing of accounting information, which leads to efficiency of automation of audit. It is proved that an automated audit of current liabilities of business entities solves a specific set of tasks of informational and methodological direction, contributes to the creation of databases, use of graphics editors, text editing and the like.

The paper considers computer strategy audit of current liabilities in the context of providing and functional parts of the information system. It is determined that computer audit is aimed at simultaneous monitoring of information and accounting data. It is proved that using computer audit simultaneous verification of accounting data and the software can be conducted without interfering with the immediate process of accounting of business entities.

The stages of computer audit of current liabilities are described, the basic requirements of the software specific to the domestic audit in the conditions of computerization are determined. The main prospects for the development of programs for the computerization of the audit of current liabilities are considered. It is determined that the optimization of the accounting process of economic entities leads to the use of information technology in the audit, which is not only an urgent task and the most important factor of successful work of the auditor, but is also essential for its implementation.

V. Shebanin, I. Kormishkin. Insurance – as a component of infrastructure providing agricultural enterprise development.

UDC 368.5(477)

V. Shebanin
I. Kormishkin

Abstract. The article analyzes the market of agrarian insurance in Ukraine.  The survey found that in the reported year there have been some positive changes in the agrarian insurance market in Ukraine, namely: the number of concluded insurance contracts increased by 21%; the volume of collected insurance premiums in the hryvnia increased by 30%; the amount of insurance premiums in the dollar equivalent increased by 28%. In the field of plant growing it was discovered that in 2017 insurance payments were made only after three crops: winter rape, winter wheat and winter rye. The study of livestock insurance showed that in 2017 there were 23 insurance contracts for animals, of which the bulk of the contracts are for cattle insurance.

It is substantiated that the provision of insurance services in the agricultural sector is a weakness of its financial relations.  Specialists note that the insurance of risks in agrarian business is actually in a state of origin.  This is mainly due to the distrust of agricultural producers to the insurance companies.

It was established that as of 02.08.2017, there were 58 insurance companies licensed to conduct insurance activity in the form of voluntary insurance of agricultural products, but insurance of agricultural crops was carried out by only 13 insurance companies.  Investigation of insurance payments by companies showed that the main share of payments fell on the insurance company “Aska”.

It is noted that today in Ukraine there are such insurance programs that provide compensation for losses from weather and climate risks and meet the requirements of a specific region.  In the course of the study, it was established that insurance issues are not only about insurance companies, but also business structures.

In order to improve the situation on the market of agrarian insurance in 2012 an insurance association “Agrarian Insurance Pool” was created.  It is a non-profit organization that unites Ukrainian insurers on a voluntary basis and which basic activity is related to the organization and implementation of risk insurance in the field of production, storage and circulation of agricultural products, including voluntary insurance of agricultural products with state support from agricultural  industrial risks carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the peculiarities of agricultural products with state support”, as well as legal and normative acts approved for the implementation of this Law.

A number of reasons and erroneous decisions of the authorities, which give the rise of distrust of agrarians to agrarian insurance are determined.

It is considered the state directions of market development of agrarian insurance and proposed measures to build an effective model of state support for agricultural insurance.  It is established that the current state of the development of the agrarian insurance system in Ukraine dictates the need for a systematic approach to its development the basis of which will be the definition and legislative form of interaction between the three main participants in agrarian insurance – agricultural producers, insurance companies and government.

Keywords: insurance, agriculture, payments, insurance programs, agrarian enterprise.